Saturday, October 26, 2013

Drakes Bay Oyster Company Legal Advice: Follow the money - if you can.

A $1 million dollar cashier's check keeps the curtains drawn
hiding donors to extreme political groups behind them.
Two dark money groups linked to conservative billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch have paid a record $1 million in fines to California to settle allegations that the combined $15 million [1] they spent on two ballot proposals in the state was not properly disclosed.
 [Note: Ironic to what follows is that one of the Koch Brothers has been fighting a commercial wind farm off the shores of his Nantucket home for over 12 years now. Apparently he believes a commercial operation creating “visual pollution” of his view is not in his best interest, but a commercial operation creating “visual pollution” for those in a wilderness is just fine.]

As noted on this site and others, Drakes Bay Oyster Company has been the recipient of free legal help from a number of organizations with ties to the Koch Brothers, starting with Cause of Action (who was asked to step back when Phyllis Faber realized what their agenda was) and now Pacific Legal Foundation who has filed a brief amicus curiae in support of an en banc hearing. Hidden behind the legal curtain created when the Supreme Court decided corporations were "people" are the sources of millions of dollars flowing into and out of "non-profit" organizations promoting various corporate agendas.

Specific to Drakes Bay Oyster Company is the acceptance of commercial operations within wilderness areas. Claims of DBOC only being a small family run company, providing sustainable seafood to San Francisco sound wonderful. But it masks the reality of this being a commercial operation far greater than a small building selling oysters.

Perhaps now that the California Fair Practices Commission has its time freed up it may begin investigating who donors to Cause of Action and Pacific Legal Foundation are.

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