Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Geoduck Farming Expands Impacts on Puget Sound Tidelands

A new No Trespassing sign appears.
Concerns about tripping over the sandbags?

Recently over 100 sandbags were placed into the tidelands of Puget Sound. It's unclear where the sand came from, although nearby sources are obvious. In addition to the new structure, a 4X4 sign with a fresh "No Trespassing" sign has also appeared. Were the sandbags supposed to be the property line? (Where is that property line anyway?)

What the low tide revealed. +2 MLLW elevation? No.

As the tide receded it became apparent the sandbags were most likely related to a recently planted geoduck farm. Perhaps the sandbags were placed to divert the freshwater outflow from a nearby wetland. Or maybe they were intended to help "geoform" the area and through slowing the current create additional area for planting more geoduck. It may be they are to serve as a bulkhead to slow the wave energy crashing onto the tubes.

Whatever their purpose it is simply one more example of how geoduck farming continues to alter Puget Sound's tideland habitat and patterns of use which have existed for generations. For the growers' benefit. And with grow-out nurseries it is expanding into the higher tidal elevations.

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