Tuesday, July 30, 2013

August 10: Hear Charles Moore, Author of "Plastic Ocean" Speak in Olympia Washington

August 10, 7PM
Traditions Café
3500 5th Avenue SW
Olympia, WA 98501
($10 donation encouraged)

(click to enlarge)

Listen to Charles Moore, founder of Algalita Marine Research Foundation discuss his book, Plastic Ocean, August 10 in Olympia, Washington. As he notes in a 2009 TED presentation, plastics in our marine waters are not just a local problem. It exists throughout our marine waters. Drakes Estero in California, Puget Sound in Washington, and the international waters of the Pacific Ocean are all impacted. Species impacted run from the base level of phytoplankton to the top of the food chain - humans.

Sources are many and control is difficult, requiring a change in consumption patterns difficult to implement. But if not addressed we will only leave a legacy of a larger "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" for those who follow us. Hear the dynamic and entertaining Charles Moore in Olympia, August 10.

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