Tuesday, July 30, 2013

KSCO Radio on the Drakes Bay Oyster Company Issue: "Sneaky weasels?"

Are  you talking about me?
Long tailed weasel, native to
Point Reyes National Park

 Or are you talking about me?
Short tailed weasel, native to
Point Reyes National Park

We can all find some words of wisdom in an article from Forbes on integrity.

"When you lie down with dogs you get fleas." (from the Forbes article)
On July 20, KSCO radio hosted a debate between Kevin Lunny, owner of Drakes Bay Oyster Company, and Bruce Cansler, a private citizen, on DBOC's continued operation in Drakes Estero. The interview opens with a long discussion by the host, Michael "MZ", on his use of the words "sneaky weasels" which he uses to describe those opposed to the continued operation of DBOC and who have chosen not to appear on his show, but who have appeared on others. 
[Note: Mr. Cansler and "MZ" first met when "MZ" was yelling out from the crowd "slimy weasel" during an interview of Amy Trainer, executive director of West Marine Environmental Action Committee, with KGO-TV after a recent court hearing. Mr. Cansler interrupted "MZ" and suggested it may not be appropriate, which in turn led to the radio show.]
A missed opportunity.
Mr. Cansler expresses concerns about the use of the terms "sneaky weasel" and "slimy weasel" both at the introduction of the show and again further into the show, leading to "MZ's" reasons for use of the terms. When given the opportunity to distance himself from the continued "name calling" Mr. Lunny instead describes the opening as being "accurate." Later in the program, after over 2 minutes of "MZ" explaining why he uses the terms, Mr. Lunny again says nothing about it and instead claims Mr. Cansler is "coming across as an expert," something which Mr. Cansler reminds Mr. Lunny he never said.

Where was Robin Carpenter?
Preceding the KSCO interview, talk show host Robin Carpenter, and Common Sense Alliance board members Ed Kilduff and Francine Shaw, on July 5 (two weeks prior to the KSCO interview) spent the better part of a 1/2 hour professing to be concerned about the "name calling" and - again - brought up the dead issue of the "Koch brothers" This was followed on July 15 by Ms. Carpenter interviewing attorney Peter Prows ("a lot of name calling"), Phyllis Faber and Sam Dolcini where again Ms. Carpenter felt name calling  was still an issue, and continued to fan the "Koch brothers." All of them might want to consider discussing with Mr. Lunny what shows he chooses to be interviewed on and how to elevate the conversations he is involved in. The weasels would appreciate it.



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