Thursday, August 1, 2013

Washington's Department of Ecology Broadens Review of Environmental Impacts from Coal Terminal Proposal

The Worm Turns
In a departure of how Washington's Department of Ecology (DOE) views environmental impacts, it has decided to analyze the "direct effects at the [Cherry Point] site and evaluate a broad range of indirect and cumulative impacts likely to occur within and beyond Washington." In cooperation with the Corps of Engineers and Whatcom County the agencies have defined the scope of an Environmental Impact Statement which will review and analyze the impacts of a proposed coal export terminal at Cherry Point, near Bellingham, WA. It will consider local, regional and global impacts.
Censia Kearns with "Power Past Coal" who is opposed to the export terminals stated: 
"This scope is reflective of Northwest values - the depth and breadth of the scope is absolutely on target and appropriate given the impacts the project would have on our way of life."
BNSF spokeswoman Courtney Wallace stated:
"We are disappointed the state Department of Ecology has chosen to depart from the stringent, well-established process followed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and instead set such a broad, precedent-setting scope that encompasses the entire state and beyond in an attempt to determine the global impacts of a railroad spur serving serving an industrial area in northwest Washington." 
Lauri Hennessey, spokeswoman for the Alliance for Northwest Jobs and Exports, an industry lobbying group promoting jobs and taxes as the reason that exporting of coal should be supported, stated:
"This decision has the potential to alter the Northwest's long and historic commitment to expanding trade..." 
How many jobs and how much in taxes is the environment worth?
The Northwest and the rest of the United States, in fact the entire global economy, is coming out of the greatest recession experienced since the Great Depression. During that time Public Relations firms for corporations have attempted to create a perception that any project which results in "family wage jobs" and "tax revenues" justifies the weakening of environmental laws and regulations which have existed for decades. That strategy's goal of a "redefinition" of the environment has put in question whether wilderness really matters.
Does wilderness really matter?
The Point Reyes National Seashore wilderness is being pressed as an example of how the Wilderness Act and wilderness needs to be redefined. Allowing the commercial operation within the wilderness area alters the definition of what "designated wilderness areas" are, whether they be the Point Reyes National Seashore wilderness or the proposed "Wild Olympics" which is awaiting introduction to congress. Effects from what happens in Drakes Estero will reach further than being able to buy a $3 oyster in San Francisco. Just as the effects from coal exported from Bellingham would.

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