Thursday, March 7, 2013

Friends of Burley Lagoon Newsletter

Burley Lagoon, Purdy

Friends of Burley Lagoon (FoBL) have published their first newletter. FoBL was formed in response to concerns about habitat impacts from commercial shellfish farming activities being proposed by Taylor Shellfish who recently leased the 300 acres of tidelands from the Yamashita family. Those concerns are now focused on a proposed subtidal/intertidal commercial geoduck farm near the mouth of Burley Lagoon. If approved, it sets a precedent and opens the door for an easier approval of Taylor Shellfish's 30 acre geoduck farm within Burley Lagoon. Important dates for the upcoming public hearing on March 27 are noted, as are email addresses for various county officials involved.

Burley Lagoon Newsletter
(click on images to enlarge)

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