Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11: Mason County Shoreline Master Program Update Meeting

Mason County's Planning Commission
Shoreline Master Program Update Workshop
March 11, 6PM
411 N 5th
Building 1, Commissioners Chambers

(Note: The Planning Commission has openings for 2 positions from Districts #1 and #3. To read about the importance of having 7 members, including the number required for a quorum, as well as the overall functioning of the Commission, click here.)

Shoreline Master Program Update ‐ Workshop
General topics of discussion: the role of the Planning Advisory Committee; General Regulations of the Mason County Comprehensive Plan MCC 17.50.
Regulations: 17.50.055: including – B. Critical Areas, C. Dimensional Standards, E. Vegetation Conservation, G. Water Quality, J. Existing Uses, K. Nonconforming, L. Legal Lots; Restrictions Affecting Value: 17.50.120; and Liberal Construction: 17.50.130; and Chapter IX of the Mason County Comprehensive Plan; General Policies: IX‐2: A, Ecological Protection, and I. Property Rights.

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