Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mason County Planning Commission Has 2 Openings

[Note: For a Kitsap Sun article on concerns over the current state of Mason County's Shoreline Master Program update click here]

Mason County has announced 2 openings on the Planning Advisory Commission (PAC) for residents from Districts 1 and 3. [click here] Applications will be accepted through March 15.

Mason County Commissioner's Districts
#1 - Randy Neatherlin (Harstine Island,
Case Inlet, Pickering Passage)
#3 - Terri Jeffereys - (Shelton, Totten Inlet,
Little Skookum, Hammersley Inlet)

The PAC is currently hearing Shoreline Master Program update recommendations from the "Citizens Advisory Committee" whose members include Diane Cooper with Taylor Shellfish and Vicki Wilson with Arcadia Point Seafood (the latter being one of the major geoduck growers in Mason County). After consideration of CAC comments, and the public's, the PAC will then advise the County Commissioners on final changes where the public will have additional opportunities to direct how they see the future of Mason County's shorelines and tidelands developed.
[click here to read CAC comments]
[click here to read 2013 SMP update PAC meeting minutes]

Current Planning Advisory Commission members include:

Bill Dewey (Taylor Shellfish)
Kristy Buck (John L Scott real estate)
Ken VanBuskirk (citizen)
Jim Sims (retired military)
Cathi Bright (Democratic Party activist)

While it is unclear whether any of the above will be leaving, Bill Dewey has missed 2 of the 3 SMP workshop meetings this year. He did attend the meeting on aquaculture.

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