Sign the petition to stop the application of the pesticide imidacloprid on
Link is here:
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Plan Ahead: Lowest Daylight Minus Tides in May Are Coming - PVC Tubes and Nets Have to be Out
Can PVC tubes and netting planted during 2013's
-4.0 tides be removed during a -2.7 low tide?
Get your cameras and find out.
Did geoduck growers plan ahead? Find out if they can meet their permit requirements for tube/netting removal after 2 years.
Some of the lowest daylight minus tides of the year will occur this month, reaching a low of -2.7 at 1:20PM on May 19. Only July 3's -2.9 will be lower. Geoduck farmers will be in a rush trying to remove tubes and netting planted in 2013 during lows of -4.0, a level which won't be reached for years. Will they be able to remove all tubes/nets placed that deep?
Click on image to enlarge
(click here for other months)
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Seattle Times 4/28: "Disbelief over state plan to spray neurotoxin into oyster beds"
What could go wrong?
The Seattle Times writes on the Department of Ecology's approval to spray Willapa Bay's shellfish beds with the neurotoxin imidacloprid, and as Bloomberg News did, they also ask: "What could go wrong?"
The state has approved plans to spray in Willapa Bay a neurotoxic pesticide that has a warning right on the bottle: “Do not apply directly to water.” What could go wrong? (Seattle Times, 4/28, updated 4/29)What could go wrong? Consider:
Causing the Willapa Bay shellfish industry irreparable harm after people decide they would rather not consume oysters and clams filtering pesticides and herbicides out of the waters of Willapa Bay.
People realizing this industry, driven by east coast lobbying firms, is becoming little more than a creation of the Glover Park Group ("Own the Conversation"), parroting lines created in Washington DC and New York, perhaps even suggesting to Taylor Shellfish it's better to now have young Diani Taylor be the spokeswoman instead of elder father Bill Taylor (Who's going to pick on a young woman?). ("It's not your grandfather's oyster farm.")
Maybe, during low tides, when PVC pipes and nets suddenly appear, people may finally accept the reality that this industry has become caught up in its own hubris, believing anything they do to increase shellfish production from Washington's critical marine habitat is fine and no state agency will question it.
What to do - Permit Appeal:
The permit approval may be appealed. You can encourage The Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat or The Exerces Society to appeal. More importantly, you can contribute to the Coalition who for years now has resisted the shellfish industry's attempts to expand into Puget Sound and Willapa Bay.
What to do - Politics: Get Involved
Find your elected official and tell them you do not support this decision. You can also tell your political party to stop taking donations from the shellfish industry. It will make a difference.
You can find your elected officials here:
Governor Inslee: 360 902-4111 or, email at -
seattle times,
willapa bay
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Ocean Acidification: A New Canary in the Coal Mine and It's a Native Species
Pteropods (aka a "butterfly")
Native and far more
important to the food web
than non-native shellfish.
The Paul Allen Family Foundation announced a $1.5 million grant has been awarded to look into whether cultivation of kelp will meaningfully lessen the impact of CO2 on carbonate ions (aka Ocean Acidification) in Puget Sound's marine environment. This drop in carbonate ions results in the inability of pteropods and other native species of Puget Sound requiring calcification to develop fully. The funds will be spent cultivating kelp in a 3 acre area in north Hood Canal. There, sensors measuring a variety of parameters, including acidity, will be deployed to try and determine the before and after effect of the 3 acre farm.
The flap of a butterfly's wing
can cause big things to happen.
Photo by Astrid Van Ginneken, Center for Whale Research
Pteropod's signficance
In August of 2014, a paper by NOAA's Shallin Busch and others was published which showed the pteropods native to Puget Sound were found to be unable to develop shells in an environment of depleted carbonate ions. The significance of the pteropods to the food chain was explained in a recent Huffington Post article, noting:
No larger than a grain of sand, the latter snail-like creature is a staple in the diet of marine animals, including sea birds and salmon, around the world. Off the Pacific Northwest coast, about half of sea butterflies carry partially dissolved shells, deformed fins and other impacts of ocean acidification that affect their ability to swim and avoid predators and infections. Researchers project that three-quarters will be affected by 2050. A 10 percent drop in sea butterfly numbers translates into about a 20 percent drop in the body weight of mature salmon.
Is a big sponge soaking up
a diminishing resource
what we need?
Fewer carbonate ions should not be allocated to a non-native species
What is the significance of current aquaculture in Puget Sound as it relates to its impact on the ability of pteropods to fully develop? What will be the impact of hoped for expansion? Nobody knows. Little thought has been given to what the growing cumulative impacts on Puget Sound's native species will be. The millions of non-native oysters grown and harvested require carbonate ions in order for their shells to develop. Equivalent to a large sponge soaking up the carbonate ions, the effect which industrial aquaculture will have on native species in need of the same carbonate ions has not been considered in any of the permitting actions. As seen in the amount of money allocated for a 3 acre site, it is perceived as a significant problem and the real "canary in the coal mine" is beginning to choke.
"...laboratory studies indicate that ocean acidification has negative effects on survival, calcification, growth, and reproduction; these effects are larger for calcifying species than for non-calcifiers. Differential response of marine species to ocean acidification has the potential to change the structure of marine communities, as has been observed in natural experiments, modeling exercises, and Earth’s history." from Shell Condition and Survival of Puget Sound Pteropods Are Impaired by Ocean Acidification Conditions, Shallin Busch et al, 2014
Friday, April 24, 2015
4/24: Bloomberg News on DOE's Approval to Spray Imidacloprid - "What could go wrong?"
"A pesticide from the group of chemicals linked
to colony collapse disorder will now
be sprayed in US waters.
What could go wrong?"
“We’re not going near the aquatic use
of pesticides because of the liability issues.”
Bayer CropScience
Bayer refuses to approve marine application
April 24th, Bloomberg News writes on the Department of Ecology's approval to spray the pesticide imidacloprid on 1,500 acres of shellfish beds in Willapa Bay and 500 acres in Grays Harbor. The article notes Bayer CropScience's refusing to approve the application of imidacloprid for aquatic use, writing:
Fischer of Bayer CropScience notes that his company had reason to worry: “On all our imidacloprid labels, it says, ‘Do not apply directly to water.’ You don’t want to hit nontarget organisms like crabs.”Go down under to get around things - and find a lobbyist
Dick Sheldon with Northern Oyster was fortunate, in his eyes. As explained in the article, imidacloprid had come off patent in 2005. A generic form began being manufactured by NuFarm in Australia. However, they refused to approach the Environmental Protection Agency. Undeterred, the growers enlisted the help of Washington lobbyist Alan Schreiber and ex-employee of the EPA. Mr. Schreiber convinced the growers to approach the EPA directly who said it would leave the final decision to the Department of Ecology. With DOE's approval, NuFarm is now happy to provide imidacloprid for application on Washington's shellfish beds and the growers are happy to apply it.
What could go wrong? There are no honey bees on the tidelands.
Brady Engval, one of the last pure old time oyster growers in Washington, joked at a hearing there are not many honey bees on the tidelands. Lost on Mr. Engval was Bayer CropScience refusing to approve the application over concerns of "nontarget organisms like crabs." With DOE's approval, NuFarm from Australia has no such concerns, so will gladly sell whatever amount of imidacloprid the growers want.
The "merroir" of a Willapa Bay oyster
Marketing plans and talking points behind those plans are always fascinating to hear. In the case of Willapa Bay oysters, it is the "merroir" (the taste given an oyster based on the marine environment it is grown in) which helps to sell those oysters. The next time someone speaks of the "merroir" of a Willapa Bay oyster you can tell them you know why it tastes as it does. And why you don't eat them.
In the end...
From the article: As Charles Benbrook, a WSU toxicologist, sees it, “Imidacloprid is malware. It doesn’t blow up any buildings, but it inserts itself ruinously into the neurological code of a species.” Taking a stance that many of his colleagues would consider extreme, he argues, “Imidacloprid is more dangerous than old-school chemicals like carbaryl—definitely. It’s insidious.” In the article, Dick Sheldon's son notes his father wants to be buried in his boat. If he eats enough oysters from Willapa Bay, that may happen sooner than later.
Bloomington news,
dick Sheldon,
willapa bay
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Imidacloprid: DOE Quietly Approves Spraying of 1,500 Acres in Willapa Bay
EPA: “There are a number of uncertainties
related to the proposed use of Imidacloprid
on oyster beds in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor"
With little fanfare the Department of Ecology has issued a permit which will allow the application of imidacloprid, beginning May 16. Banned in the European Union the DOE announced:
The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) has issued a new individual permit to regulate the use of imidacloprid for management of burrowing shrimp on commercial oyster and clam beds in Willapa bay and Grays Harbor, a surface water of Washington State. Permit development was requested by the Willapa/Grays Harbor Oyster Growers Association (WGHOGA) to control burrowing shrimp on commercial oyster and clam beds in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor to aid in the cultivation and harvest of oysters and clams. Additionally, the applicant has applied for a Sediment Impact Zone (SIZ) as the proposed discharge will likely impact sediment quality on sediments where the pesticide is applied.
A letter to the White House dated November 24, 2014 and signed by 108 individuals states:
The 108 signers of this letter therefore urge you to take immediate action to protect bees and other pollinators, particularly from pesticides known to be harmful.
Whole Foods has issued a Quality Standards document for shellfish sold in their outlets which does not permit the use of synthetic pesticides.
The European Union has banned the use of imidacloprid. US Fish and Wildlife will no longer allow its use on its wildlife refuges. The City of Portland has issued an immediate ban on its use. Lowe's will phase out the sale of imidacloprid.
Read "Are your oysters sprayed with pesticides?" in which writes of a happenstance meeting in the Tabard Inn in Washington DC with a Willapa Bay resident.
Politics pays and the shellfish industry pays a lot. The shellfish industry's law firm Plauche and Carr sponsored a "risk assessment" by Compliance Services International to promote the use of this pesticide in Willapa Bay.
Read "Are your oysters sprayed with pesticides?" in which writes of a happenstance meeting in the Tabard Inn in Washington DC with a Willapa Bay resident.
Politics pays and the shellfish industry pays a lot. The shellfish industry's law firm Plauche and Carr sponsored a "risk assessment" by Compliance Services International to promote the use of this pesticide in Willapa Bay.
Get involved. Willapa Bay oyster and clam growers are transforming a marine habitat with pesticides and herbicides for their economic benefit. Tell your seafood outlet you will not buy oysters grown in Willapa Bay.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Superior Court Upholds SHB Denial of Geoduck Farm Permit - Press Release
Geoduck Farm Permit Denial Upheld by Superior Court: The Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat has issued a press release on the recent Superior Court decision which upheld the Shorelines Hearings Board's denial of a permit issued for a geoduck farm in south Puget Sound. In upholding the denial the Superior Court acknowledged the need for deeper studies on the cumulative impacts these industrial operations are having on Puget Sound's critical marine habitats. To those who gave their valuable time and financial support needed to stand up to this well financed and motivated industry, thank you. Get involved - it does make a difference.
Date: April 21, 2015
Contact: Laura Hendricks (253) 509-4987
Thurston County Superior Court Decision in Darrell de Tienne and Chelsea Farms, LLC v. Shoreline Hearings Board, Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat and Paul and Betty Garrison, Pierce County
On April 3, 2015, Thurston County Superior Court Judge Carol Ann Murphy announced her decision regarding the appeal of the Shorelines Hearings Board (SHB) denial of the Shoreline Substantial Development permit for a five plus acre commercial geoduck farm in Henderson Bay on a site that included extensive eelgrass beds that had been earlier devastated by the illegal harvest of geoduck by the applicant, Darrell de Tienne, and his former harvest partner, Washington Shellfish.
Judge Murphy concluded that the SHB decision in January 2014 correctly interpreted and applied the relevant law and that its Findings of Fact were supported by substantial evidence. Judge Murphy’s decision means that, absent a further appeal to the Court of Appeals, the permit to operate the farm issued by Pierce County was revoked. The case and the Shoreline Hearings Board decision were noteworthy in several respects. The geoduck farm, had it been permitted, would have been the first subtidal farm in Pierce County. There has been a rapid expansion of commercial nearshore geoduck farms in recent years as the demand for the geoduck has exploded in Asian markets, particularly China, where the long necked clam is perceived by many as an “aphrodisiac.”
Laura Hendricks, Citizen Representative for the Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat (Coalition), said her organization was especially pleased by Judge Murphy’s decision because it meant, for the first time, there would be a scientific examination and analysis of potential adverse environmental impacts associated with the proliferation of geoduck farms in south Puget Sound. “We’ve been advocating for a cumulative impacts analysis to be completed for some time now,” said Hendricks. “This is a major win." "The commercial shellfish industry has been resisting calls for greater environmental scrutiny of their operations for years. Now, for the first time, the people who care about the environmental health of Puget Sound and the impacts of the tremendous expansion of the commercial shellfish industry in the Sound will have their concerns addressed.”
Judge Murphy’s ruling also upheld the Shoreline Hearings Board’s rejection of the 10 feet and 25 feet seaward eelgrass protection buffers contained in the Pierce County Permit for the farm. Eelgrass enhancement is one of the top three recovery goals established for Puget Sound, and protection and restoration of eelgrass in Puget Sound has been a longtime goal of the Puget Sound Partnership. The Coalition fought for seaward buffers for eelgrass protection of at least 100 feet and just recently found that the Canadian science paper that the shellfish industry presented to the SHB to try to justify smaller eelgrass buffers was rejected for publication by the Journal of Shellfish Research after the hearing.
The substantially reduced protection for eelgrass, which occurred after the formal Pierce County hearing concerning the farm’s permit had commenced, was deeply troubling to opponents of the farm, Brad and Sandra Newell, Coalition members and Henderson Bay residents. Said Brad, “That was a last minute backroom political deal, so we’re delighted the SHB decision rejecting the minimal buffer will remain in place. There was no scientific basis for such a reduction.” “It also is completely contrary to the suggested 180 foot waterward buffer for subtidal farms to protect submerged aquatic vegetation just adopted by the Pierce County Commission in its updated Shoreline Master Program last month,” added Thane Tienson, attorney for the Coalition.
The Coalition also opposed the planned farm, as it has many others, as they continue to point to scientific studies documenting harm from plastic pollution like the widespread aquaculture gear plastic pollution in Puget Sound waters. Shellfish farms use hundreds of thousands of plastic PVC tubes, HDPE netting, plastic bands and HDPE bags for their operations as scientists say the resulting plastic debris and plastic particles harm aquatic life. According to Charles Moore, the world renowned marine plastic debris expert who has testified for the Coalition, "at the present time, it does not appear possible to introduce any conventional plastic into the marine environment without harmful consequences."
Judge Murphy's final signed decision should be available in the coming weeks. For more information:
Date: April 21, 2015
Contact: Laura Hendricks (253) 509-4987
Thurston County Superior Court Decision in Darrell de Tienne and Chelsea Farms, LLC v. Shoreline Hearings Board, Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat and Paul and Betty Garrison, Pierce County
On April 3, 2015, Thurston County Superior Court Judge Carol Ann Murphy announced her decision regarding the appeal of the Shorelines Hearings Board (SHB) denial of the Shoreline Substantial Development permit for a five plus acre commercial geoduck farm in Henderson Bay on a site that included extensive eelgrass beds that had been earlier devastated by the illegal harvest of geoduck by the applicant, Darrell de Tienne, and his former harvest partner, Washington Shellfish.
Judge Murphy concluded that the SHB decision in January 2014 correctly interpreted and applied the relevant law and that its Findings of Fact were supported by substantial evidence. Judge Murphy’s decision means that, absent a further appeal to the Court of Appeals, the permit to operate the farm issued by Pierce County was revoked. The case and the Shoreline Hearings Board decision were noteworthy in several respects. The geoduck farm, had it been permitted, would have been the first subtidal farm in Pierce County. There has been a rapid expansion of commercial nearshore geoduck farms in recent years as the demand for the geoduck has exploded in Asian markets, particularly China, where the long necked clam is perceived by many as an “aphrodisiac.”
Laura Hendricks, Citizen Representative for the Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat (Coalition), said her organization was especially pleased by Judge Murphy’s decision because it meant, for the first time, there would be a scientific examination and analysis of potential adverse environmental impacts associated with the proliferation of geoduck farms in south Puget Sound. “We’ve been advocating for a cumulative impacts analysis to be completed for some time now,” said Hendricks. “This is a major win." "The commercial shellfish industry has been resisting calls for greater environmental scrutiny of their operations for years. Now, for the first time, the people who care about the environmental health of Puget Sound and the impacts of the tremendous expansion of the commercial shellfish industry in the Sound will have their concerns addressed.”
Judge Murphy’s ruling also upheld the Shoreline Hearings Board’s rejection of the 10 feet and 25 feet seaward eelgrass protection buffers contained in the Pierce County Permit for the farm. Eelgrass enhancement is one of the top three recovery goals established for Puget Sound, and protection and restoration of eelgrass in Puget Sound has been a longtime goal of the Puget Sound Partnership. The Coalition fought for seaward buffers for eelgrass protection of at least 100 feet and just recently found that the Canadian science paper that the shellfish industry presented to the SHB to try to justify smaller eelgrass buffers was rejected for publication by the Journal of Shellfish Research after the hearing.
The substantially reduced protection for eelgrass, which occurred after the formal Pierce County hearing concerning the farm’s permit had commenced, was deeply troubling to opponents of the farm, Brad and Sandra Newell, Coalition members and Henderson Bay residents. Said Brad, “That was a last minute backroom political deal, so we’re delighted the SHB decision rejecting the minimal buffer will remain in place. There was no scientific basis for such a reduction.” “It also is completely contrary to the suggested 180 foot waterward buffer for subtidal farms to protect submerged aquatic vegetation just adopted by the Pierce County Commission in its updated Shoreline Master Program last month,” added Thane Tienson, attorney for the Coalition.
The Coalition also opposed the planned farm, as it has many others, as they continue to point to scientific studies documenting harm from plastic pollution like the widespread aquaculture gear plastic pollution in Puget Sound waters. Shellfish farms use hundreds of thousands of plastic PVC tubes, HDPE netting, plastic bands and HDPE bags for their operations as scientists say the resulting plastic debris and plastic particles harm aquatic life. According to Charles Moore, the world renowned marine plastic debris expert who has testified for the Coalition, "at the present time, it does not appear possible to introduce any conventional plastic into the marine environment without harmful consequences."
Judge Murphy's final signed decision should be available in the coming weeks. For more information:
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Burley Lagoon: Taylor Shellfish Agrees - Not All Farms are Equal, will Perform an EIS
"every farm is different" Taylor Shellfish, April 13, 2015
What took you so long?
Trust us, one PVC tube is the same as the next, and the next, and the next ...
For years Taylor Shellfish and others have tried to place all geoduck farms into the same frame, using past separate permit approvals, Shorelines Hearings Board decisions and court decisions to support their applications, implying they are all the same. In permit hearings and court cases they have claimed studies which have looked at discrete farm operations clearly show all farms, no matter the size, no matter the location, have no impact. This despite one of their most widely used studies stating the following qualification after peer review and publication this year:
" is cautioned that projection of the current study results to larger temporal or spatial scales may be inappropriate in the absence of additional studies. The sites for the current study were relatively isolated from other geoduck aquaculture plots, and were being used for aquaculture of geoducks for the first time. The data may not provide a sufficient basis for unequivocal extrapolation to cases when a given plot is exposed to a long series of successive geoduck aquaculture cycles. Likewise, it may not be appropriate to extend the findings of the current study to cases when a number of separate plots are adjacent to one another and encompass significantly larger surface areas than any single plot. Resolution of the questions of larger spatial and temporal scales will be a major challenge for geoduck farmers as they continue production on existing plots and expand into new areas, and will be an important research goal in the interests of informed management policies by natural resource agencies." (ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF THE HARVEST PHASE OF GEODUCK (PANOPEA GENEROSA GOULD, 1850) AQUACULTURE ON INFAUNAL COMMUNITIES IN SOUTHERN PUGET SOUND, WASHINGTON, Glen Van Blaricom et al, Journal of Shellfish Research, March 2015)
After quoting the above study untold times, without noting the qualifications, Taylor Shellfish has finally conceded that, in fact, geoduck farms are not all equal. In an April 13, 2015 letter to Pierce County, their attorney Billy Plauche with Plauche and Carr has said Taylor Shellfish will perform an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for its proposed 25 acre geoduck farm in Burley Lagoon. It is not the only one which should be required to have an EIS.
Get involved. The people concerned about Burley Lagoon did.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Ban on Imidacloprid Use Grows - Except at DOE: Apply it on more acres, apply it more often.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Shellfish growers don't care.
Maybe they will if you stop
buying oysters from
Willapa Bay.
Willapa Bay.
Bans continue to grow, except in Willapa Bay
The number of agencies and retailers who are implementing a ban on the use of the pesticide imidacloprid continues to grow. Most recently, Lowe's has agreed to stop selling neonicotinoid pesticides, of which imidacloprid is one. April 1, the City of Portland issued an immediate ban on its use. The Oregon Legislature currently has two bills before it which would eliminate its use. The US Fish and Wildlife agency has banned their use on wildlife refuges across the United States. The European Commission, in 2013, banned the use of imidacloprid. April 8 the NY Times reported a European Academies Science Advisory Council report stated imidacloprid:
“has severe effects on a range of organisms that provide ecosystem services like pollination and natural pest control, as well as on biodiversity,”
DOE - Spray it on more acres with more intensity
The Department of Ecology's viewpoint? In their recently released Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) they have simply agreed with the shellfish growers in Willapa Bay who want to use it on more acres and in increasing intensity.
there would likely be a larger number of imidacloprid application events each year over a longer authorized application period (p.2-58, FEIS)
Growers have requested larger annual treatment acreage under the imidacloprid permit (2,000 acres) compared to the carbaryl permit (800 acres). It is possible that over the five-year term of the permit, the total acreage to be treated within Willapa Bay could range from 1,500 to 7,500 acres, and in Grays Harbor could range from 500 to 2,500 acres. (p. 1-6, FEIS)
Get involved. The shellfish industry is and agencies are not willing to stand up to them. You can start by not buying oysters harvested from Willapa Bay. You can also sign the petition created by Willapa Bay's Westport Salmon Tales.
shellfish industry,
willapa bay
Friday, April 10, 2015
Imidicloprid Spraying in Willapa Bay: Department of Ecology Releases Final EIS
[Update 4/10: A petition on has been created by Westport Salmon Tales which asks DOE to deny any permit applications for the use if imidacloprid in Willapa Bay. Get involved and sign the petition.]
Elected officials:
Tell Costco to stop buying oysters from Willapa Bay (email button on lower left of their Customer Service site)
Don't buy oysters from Willapa Bay.
"[imidacloprid] has severe effects
on a range of organisms
that provide ecosystem services"
Preferred alternative for Willapa Bay:
Spray 7,000 acres with imidacloprid.
Final EIS, April 9 (20mb file)
Just another native species
the shellfish industry wants eliminated
through chemical application
to Willapa Bay's shellfish beds.
The Department of Ecology has released its final Environmental Impact Statement with spraying the pesticided Imidicloprid on up to 7,000 acres over 5 years to control burrowing shrimp as the preferred alternative. The FEIS can be found here (20mb file):
This follows by one day the article in the New York Times which describes the growing concerns over the use of neonicotinoids, which imidacloprid is one of. In the article, they remind us that Europe has banned the use of this pesticide and discuss the European Academies Science Advisory Council's study, noting:
A growing body of evidence shows that the widespread use of the pesticides “has severe effects on a range of organisms that provide ecosystem services like pollination and natural pest control, as well as on biodiversity,” the report’s authors said.Get involved. The shellfish industry is and no state agencies are willing to stand up to the industry.
Elected officials:
Tell Costco to stop buying oysters from Willapa Bay (email button on lower left of their Customer Service site)
Don't buy oysters from Willapa Bay.
neonicotinoid pesticides,
willapa bay
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Aquatic Reserves are Not Reserved for Taylor Shellfish - Get Out, Then Get Involved
Tell Pierce County and Elected Officials
Aquatic Reserves Were Not Reserved
To Be Commercialized by the Shellfish Industry
Washington's Aquatic Reserves
Dabob Bay: Withdrawn. Guess why.
The door to your tidelands is to the left
Taylor Shellfish owns 11,000 acres of tidelands. Yet, when Pierce County proposed to limit new permits for aquaculture in the Nisqually Reach Aquatic Reserve to the restoration of native Olympia oysters, what did they do? They told Daniel Hull, Executive Director of the Nisqually Reach Nature Center, to tell Pierce County that he would not support the amendment. In a follow-up email he said Taylor Shellfish would withdraw from the aquatic reserves program if the amendment was included in their Shoreline Master Program update. The proposal to create a reserve in Dabob Bay was withdrawn due in large part to pressure from the shellfish industry. Get out, get involved, and tell your elected officials Puget Sound is not for the profits of the few.
Pierce County Contacts (click here, or...)
Tell them you support their amendment to limit aquaculture to the restoration of native Olympia oysters in the Nisqually Reach Aquatic Reserve. (Derek Young) (Mike Krueger)
Find your Washington elected official
Tell them Aquatic Reserves were not reserved to be commercialized by the shellfish industry.
The daylight minus tides of Puget Sound continue with April's beginning to expose the lower intertidal tidelands, unique to Puget Sound. Within this habitat area a diversity of species unique to this environment exist, able to withstand exposure to air and submersion in water. Get out and see what the Shoreline Management Act was intended to protect and in part why aquatic reserves were created. Then get involved in helping to ensure this critical marine habitat is not converted for the profits of the few.

Updated 4/8 to clarify sequence of events.
aquatic reserves,
Olympia oyster,
pierce county shoreline master program update,
Taylor Shellfish
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Superior Court will Decide the Detienne/Chelsea Subtidal Geoduck Farm Permit Tomorrow
[Update 4/3: The Superior Court has ruled in favor of the Shorelines Hearings Board decision to deny the permit. Details will be provided when available.]
What: Superior Court will decide whether the Shorelines Hearings Board decision to deny the permit for the Detienne/Chelsea subtidal geoduck farm will stand or be reversed.
When: 1:30
Where: Thurston County Superior Court
What: Superior Court will decide whether the Shorelines Hearings Board decision to deny the permit for the Detienne/Chelsea subtidal geoduck farm will stand or be reversed.
When: 1:30
Where: Thurston County Superior Court
2000 Lakeridge Drive
Building 2
Olympia 98502
Why it's important: The Shorelines Hearings Board reversed Pierce County's approval of this permit saying its uniqueness should have resulted in Pierce County having denied the permit. It is the first subtidal geoduck farm in Puget Sound, within one of the only remaining eelgrass beds in south Puget Sound.
SHB Decision: "the Permit is therefore DENIED." You may read the SHB decision here.
Permit denied by the SHB,
reversing Pierce County's decision.
To recap (from Friends of Burley Lagoon): Pierce County originally granted a Permit, with conditions, for the geoduck farm in Wauna. Citizens there, with the Coalition, appealed the County's decision to the Shoreline Hearings Board. After a six- day hearing, the SHB denied the permit. Pierce County (via Deputy Prosector advisor Jill Guernsey) appealed the SHB decision initially on a procedural matter, DeTienne/Chelsea Farms cited other issues. The issues were heard by a single Judge of Thurston County Superior Court. The Judge denied Pierce County's procedural portion; the other issues will be decided at tomorrow's hearing before the same Judge.
Politics Pays: Jill Guernsey, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
gets some money from Plauche and Carr - after she appeals.
Ms. Guernsey runs for Mayor of Gig Harbor - unopposed - and wins
Entwined within the story is another of shellfish politics. In February of 2013, Pierce County, through their attorney Jill Guernsey, decided to appeal the SHB reversal of their granting the permit (see Ms Guernsey/Pierce County Petition for Review here, which was denied). In March of 2013, a $500 donation to Ms. Gurensey's campaign from the law firm representing Chelsea and Detienne, Plauche and Carr, was recorded as having been made (see Plauche Carr Petition for Review here). In April of 2013, Ms. Guernsey formally kicked off her Gig Harbor mayoral campaign. She
Does a job depend on political donations?
Dennis Hamberg, Director of Pierce County
Planning and Land Services helps out too.
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