Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Taylor/Seattle Shellfish-Haley Geoduck Farm Hearing: March 2-6

Aquaculture being "water dependent"
does not mean "anything goes"
in Puget Sound's critical marine habitat areas.
Area proposed for conversion
to industrial scale geoduck farm.
More geoduck for China.
Less marine habitat for native species.
March 2-6, Hearing Starts at the Shoreline Hearings Board Office at 9:00am
1111 Israel Rd SW, Tumwater, WA   98501
Coalition Experts  
Monday, March 2
  James Brennan (Puget Sound Nearshore Scientist/Restoration Expert)
  Jim Johannessen (Puget Sound Geomorphologist/Restoration Expert)
  Dr. Gary Ritchie-Lack of Rigor of Sea Grant Geoduck Science
  Jo Jensen-Real Estate Broker--Effect of Industrial Geoduck Aquaculture on  
       Waterfront Home Values
Tuesday, March 3
   Captain Charles Moore-World Renowned Marine Plastic Debris Expert
   Kirk Kirkland-Audubon
   Rob Darling-Real Estate Broker-Effect of Industrial Geoduck Aquaculture on waterfront home values

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