Thursday, February 26, 2015

Reminder: March 3 - Charles Moore to speak on plastic pollution in marine waters in Tacoma.

March 3, 5:30 PM, Charles Moore will speak in Tacoma 
on plastic pollution in the marine waters.
(click to enlarge)
Hear how plastics are impacting our marine waters
Captain Charles Moore will present “A Month in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch” –the 2014 voyage was his tenth and longest research voyage aboard Oceanographic Research Vessel Alguita.  They discovered and walked on an island of plastic and he will show video of his tour of the island.  We also took blood from various fish species to determine the effects of living in a platicized habitat. He will discuss the difference between samples of plastic and plankton taken at the surface and at 10 meters depth.  He will also discuss the use made of drones to survey the tremendous increase in plastic in the garbage patch. Copies of his book, “Plastic Ocean”, revised with a new chapter on the health effects of plastic, will be available for $20.
Click here for a biography of Charles Moore.

(click on picture to enlarge)

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