Monday, October 13, 2014

Mason County: Planning Advisory Committee Meeting on Shoreline Master Program Update October 13

Date: October 13, 6PM
Where: Mason County Courthouse Building 1, Commission Chambers
411 North Fifth Street
Shelton, WA

Plasticizing Puget Sound's Tidelands
"Statewide Interest"
(SMP, policies: IX-3, B 1, p IX.7))
"Aquaculture should be protected against encroachment"
Mason County SMP update
"The public's opportunity to enjoy the physical and aesthetic qualities of natural shorelines of the state shall be preserved to the greatest extent feasible consistent with the overall best interest of the state and the people generally. To this end uses shall be preferred which are consistent with control of pollution and prevention of damage to the natural environment, or are unique to or dependent upon use of the state's shorelines." Shoreline Management Act, RCW 90.58.020 

Mason County nears completion of its Shoreline Master Program update with a meeting October 13 at 6PM. The meeting is scheduled to discuss topics which includes bulkheads and why they need such tight regulatory oversight (click here for staff report). Also discussed will be the draft SMP update (click here for updated document) with the promotion of aquaculture found beginning on page IX.7.

Shoreline Master Program Update - Workshop
a. Amendments; Enforcement; Restrictions Affecting Value; Liberal Construction;
Severability; Comprehensive Review Policies and Regulations
(Draft Comp. Plan IX-4.C) (Draft SMP 17.50.110, ...115, ...120, ...130, ...140, ...150)
b. Shoreline Stabilization Policies and Regulations
(Draft Comp Plan IX-4 F) (Draft Regs 17.50.065 6)

Supporting Documents:
Guidance, etc.

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