Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Drakes Bay Oyster Company: Manager Complains of Abandoned Tubes Being Picked Up

Abandoned Plastic Tubes in
Drakes Estero: "Those are ours."
But taxpayers get to clean them up...
..after their harvesting stops in December,
with no payments to taxpayers.
Shellfish industry's plastic pollution is not limited to Puget Sound.
Richard James, creator of The Coastodian, has written of an encounter he recently had with the manager of Drakes Bay Oyster Company. For months now Mr. James has been documenting the debris which DBOC has left on the bottom of Drakes Estero. Abandoned plastic tubes, bags of oysters, and pressure treated wood are only some of the items the company has allowed to accumulate on the bottom and which taxpayers will pay to clean up. The debris has been documented in pictures on The Coastodian and is only one example of the growing plastic pollution which the shellfish industry is leaving in its wake in the name of "eco-engineering" benefits of shellfish.
 Abandoned tubes piled on top of racks by Mr. James.
"You seem to think you're doing something good out there." DBOC manager.
As Mr. James came across the abandoned tubes along the bottom he took the time to collect a number of them and place them on top of the pressure treated wooden racks. When he arrived on-shore the ensuing conversation with DBOC's manager made it clear his unpaid efforts to clean up the mess within Drakes Estero which DBOC will be leaving is not perceived as a positive thing. In fact, it appears the manager sees nothing good in attempts to clean up DBOC's mess, unless it is done at the expense of taxpayers. Future landlords who deal with DBOC's owners may want to consider just what it is they are getting themselves into.
DBOC: Please don't volunteer to 
pick up our garbage.
The US taxpayers get to pay for it.
Thank you DBOC.

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