Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tomales Bay Oyster Company and Perspective on Oyster Production (updated 7/24 - TBOC acreage available)

Update 7/24: TBOC has the acreage to grow more oysters. Employees from DBOC will be looking for work. Hatchery equipment from DBOC they use to produce oysters for planting will available to relocate. 
The company leases enough acreage in the bay to cultivate more oysters. But Tod Friend, an owner of T.B.O.C., told the Light that ocean acidification has made it virtually impossible to buy more seed. “Theoretically, we could grow all the oysters we need to supply our customers, but it’s a seed problem. We can’t get enough seed from hatcheries in the Northwest to fuel our need,” Mr. Friend said. (Point Reyes Light, 7/24/14)
The Drakes Bay Oyster Farm produces its own shellfish seed by performing remote setting on-farm. This advanced hatchery technique allows the farm to curtail the purchasing of seed (small shellfish) from producers in other waters (from DBOC web site)
The Point Reyes Light has published an article today in which TBOC notes it has additional acreage to produce more oysters. Their problem is one of sourcing seed. Less than 6 miles away (as the crow flies) are employees and equipment available to move which will increase TBOC's production.

Running a business is never easy. When public relations firms, attorneys and conservative land use groups begin to direct business strategies it becomes more difficult. It's time for the California shellfish industry to run a business, not be played as pawns in a greater game.

A 1 Acre Perspective for Tomales Bay Oyster Company
prior proper planning prevents poor performance

In the papers filed by TBOC it notes they purchase between 6,000 and 15,000 oysters per week from DBOC. For perspective, this is equivalent to what one acre of tidelands produces. In a paper discussing the use of grow-out bags for oysters (Subtidal Cultivation of the American Oyster) a low end estimate of 2,600 bags per acre will produce 585,000 oysters, or an average of 11,250 oysters per week. How many acres are lying fallow in Tomales Bay? Of course, it will take some time for oysters to grow, but then we fall back to what prior proper planning would have prevented.

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