Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Drakes Bay Oyster Company: New Underwater Video of Drakes Estero

It's time to dispel the myth that
Drakes Bay Oyster Company
has been a "good steward"
of Drakes Estero's marine environment.
Is this really good stewardship?
screenshot from Coastodian.org video

A new underwater video from the Coastodian.org continues to put in question whether Drakes Bay Oyster Company's claims to being a "good steward" of Drakes Estero, part of the Philip Burton Wilderness area, are based in fact or public relations. The 7 minute video is part of a post dated July 22. The video should leave no doubt that the "good steward" tag line is a PR firm's fantasy.

More tubes from Drakes Bay Oyster Company
on the bottom of Drakes Estero.
They don't float - out of site, out of mind.
"It's natural." Non-native oysters it grows on
in Drakes Estero aren't.
Treated lumber from racks
"They're not my racks." Kevin Lunny
How convenient.
DBOC: a “deep respect for the land and waters of the Estero ecostystem”.
The Coastodian: Just imagine what the place would look like if some company without such strong morals had been running the show…..

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