Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Pierce County Shoreline Master Program Update Meetings

Update 4/4: The public's participation in the SMP Update has resulted in a new schedule for Pierce County, which follows:
Below is the newly announced schedule:

Monday, April 7, 1:30PM: Study Session
County-City Building, Room 1045
930 Tacoma Ave South

Thursday, July 10, 5:30PM
North Lake Tapps Middle School
20029 12th Street East
Lake Tapps

Monday, July 14, 5:30PM
Pacific Lutheran University,
Scandinavian Cultural Center
12180 Park Avenue South
Tacoma, WA

Thursday, July 17, 5:30PM
Peninsula High School Auditorium
14105 Purdy Drive NW
Gig Harbor

Monday, July 21, 1:30PM
County-City Building, Room 1045
930 Tacoma Ave South

Tuesday, July 29, 3PM
County-City Building, Room 1015
930 Tacoma Avenue South

The Public Process -
Provide Constructive
Suggestions in Writing
Pierce County will hold two additional meeting on its Shoreline Master Program update before the final proposed update to the county council (see below). It is the final opportunity for citizens to become part of what has been a well known process for many years.
Verbal comments, while part of the record, are limited in time and less effective than those in writing. Those in writing are more effective if specific sections are noted, more so if alternatives are offered. 
The Shoreline Master Program update page contains the proposed update and can be found by clicking here (requires Microsoft Word).  Videos of past meetings where the public has commented can be seen here: March 6, March 20  Get involved - in writing.
Thursday April 3, 5:30PM 
Peninsula High School auditorium
14105 Purdy Dr. NW, Gig Harbor

Monday April 7, 1:30PM
County-City Building, Room 1045
930 Tacoma Ave. S, Tacoma

Final Pierce County Council Action
Tuesday, April 22, 3PM
Pierce County Council
County-City Building, Room 1045
930 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma

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