Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Application of Imazamox on Willapa Bay Shellfish Beds Cleared by Ecology

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
general permit process will allow for imazamox
application on shellfish beds in Willapa Bay
[one more ingredient to the "chemical soup" of Willapa Bay]
Will his clams get bigger or just taste different?
"Preferred" alternative: The preferred alternative is to use an integrated pest management (IPM) approach for the management of Z. japonica on commercial clam beds. This approach would combine crop rotation timing,8 harvest activities, and selected existing control practices (described above under the No Action Alternative) with chemical applications of the herbicide imazamox. The efficacy of imazamox combined with shellfish cultural activities and general integrated pest management practices should reduce the interval at which imazamox applications will be necessary; i.e., it is expected that it will not be necessary for commercial clam farmers to apply imazamox to the same bed every year under this alternative. The IPM approach relies on the use of imazamox in order for the other control methods to be commercially viable (personal communication with WGHOGA members, August 2013).
Department of Ecology Announcement:
The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) has issued a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for Management of Zostera japonica (Z. japonica) on Commercial Clam Beds in Willapa Bay, Washington.
Final Environmental Impact Statement
A Draft EIS (DEIS) was available for public comment from January 2 through February 15, 2014, and a public workshop and hearing was held in South Bend, Washington on February 1, 2014. A draft national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit for the discharge of imazamox for the control of Z. japonica on Commercial Clam Beds in Willapa Bay was also out for public review during this same period.  Ecology developed a response to public comments received on the DEIS.  The response to public comments is available as a Responsiveness Summary in Appendix B of the FEIS.
The proposed action analyzed in this FEIS is the discharge of imazamox onto commercial clam beds in Willapa Bay for the purpose of controlling Z. japonica.  The FEIS analyzes the potential impacts of the proposed action and alternative management methods for controlling Z. japonica on commercial clam beds in Willapa Bay.
Ecology will be making a decision on whether to issue the NPDES permit for the control of
Z. japonica on Commercial Clam Beds in Willapa Bay by April 2, 2014.
Copies of the FEIS
You may download copies of the FEIS from the following website:
If you would like to obtain hard copies of the FEIS, or if you have questions, please contact Nathan Lubliner at, or (360) 407-6563.

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