Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fudge Point: Our Heritage Defined

"What defines our heritage is what we leave to people, and open spaces and parks are the most important." Walt Hitchcock, Harstine Island on the creation of Fudge Point State Park.

Currently before the legislature is an opportunity to fund what could become part of the greatest state park Washington has. Your representatives in Olympia can make a difference if you contact them. [click here to find who your Legislator is or see below for additional contacts]

Fudge Point, Harstine Island
South Puget Sound

Fudge Point is made up of tidelands over 3,200 feet in length, ranging in width from 100' to over 300', tied to over 55 acres of upland area available for trails and day use. Views of Mount Ranier, Mount Saint Helens and the Olympics are available from these tidelands. Funding the acquisition of Fudge Point presents one of the last great opportunities to acquire a piece of Puget Sound's shoreline which generations far into the future will be able to enjoy.

Fudge Point and its Tidelands 
"This [funding] represents an opportunity to be the best state park the state owns, their flagship park." Mr. Hitchcock

Walt Hitchcock, a neighbor and supporter of a future Fudge Point State Park whose family has owned property on Fudge Point since 1909, could not have put better the opportunity which presents itself. In the November 15, 2012 of the Shelton-Mason Journal, Mr. Hitchcock is quoted as saying: "What defines our heritage is what we leave to people, and open spaces and parks are the most important." Mr. Hitchcock, while initially concerned about the project, now supports the funding and creation of this park. In the article, Mr. Hitchock is quoted further as saying, "This [funding] represents an opportunity to be the best state park the state owns, their flagship park."

The Trust for Public Lands purchased Fudge Point from the Scott family who, like the Hitchcock family, are long time residents of Harstine Island.  They have seen Harstine Island move from use of a landing craft as a ferry to its becoming accessible with a bridge. Both families have seen Harstine Island pressed from development of all sorts, from all sides. Both have chosen to support the creation of Fudge Point State Park while it is still possible so future generations may experience what their ancestors did before them and what they did.

Support for the funding of Fudge Point State Park will define the heritage left by this generation for those in the future to look back on. Make a difference and contact your legislator.

Additional contacts to consider calling to ask for support:

Senator Jim Honeyford
Washington State Senate
PO Box 40415
Olympia, WA 98504-0415

 Senator Sharon Nelson
Washington State Senate
PO Box 40434
Olympia, WA 98504-0434

 Rep. Hans Dunshee
Washington House of Representatives
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600

 Rep. Judy Warnick
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600

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