Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Drakes Bay Oyster: Strange Bedfellows Continues

[Update: December 9 - Dr. Goodman continues down his path of strange choices for who he is interviewed by.]
(moved from December 8 post)
Drakes Bay Oyster Company supporters are cheering about the fact that people are unwilling to debate Corey Goodman on George Whitehurst Berry's "truth frequency" radio shows. In fact, they - and investors relying on Dr. Goodman's advice - should question why Dr. Goodman would ever want to be associated with Mr. Berry.
Drifting from integrity
Corey Goodman's drifting from a position of integrity cannot be more clearly seen than in his pairing with Sedona Dreams' George Whitehurst Berry. Somehow believing the radio purveyor of snake oil and "reverse speak" chants will improve how he is perceived within the scientific community, Dr. Goodman has allowed himself to become Mr. Berry's new best friend.
People investing millions want to know they can trust their advisor
Dr. Goodman should remember that his role as a venture capitalist and board member on a number of startup corporations in the risky biomedical field brings with it a heightened level of scrutiny. Included within that focus is whether a man has the judgment to be responsible for investing tens of millions of dollars in a field well known for studies which cannot be replicated. His pairing with Mr. Berry risks putting that judgment in question.
Science matters - so does who you choose for friends
Dr. Goodman may have valid concerns within some of his opinions on the scientific process. But as a scientist should wisely choose how he will research something, so too should a spokesperson choose who he uses to broadcast his voice. It should have been a lesson learned when Dr. Goodman found out what Cause of Action's real agenda was. 
Efforts by Drakes Bay Oyster Company (DBOC) to prevent creation of the Point Reyes Wilderness Shoreline become more tangled by the day. In DBOC's ongoing use of Corey Goodman to direct focus away from their contractual obligation to cease operations, conservative talk show host Barbara Simpson ("The Babe in the Bunker") has been enlisted in an attempt and bring life back to "the straw man" - Dr. Goodman's questions on data.

KSFO's "Babe in the Bunker"
Barbara Simpson at the
San Jose Tea Party gathering.

After his interview on far-right radio KSFO's "The Babe in Bunker" Dr. Goodman can now include himself in the crowd of Ms. Simpson's other interviewees, including: Alexandra Bruce ("2012: Science or Superstition"); Doug Haagman ("We'll Kill the Dollar"); Colin Gunn ("IndoctriNation"); and, Gerald Celente ("The Trends Journal").

There is no doubt that as with Ms. Simpson's other guests, Dr. Goodman also believes strongly in his position. But it is irrelevant to the fact that DBOC now has no right to be operating in Drakes Estero or on its shoreline. Its continued operation is what is preventing the completion of what Congress intended it to become, a shoreline wilderness area for all of the citizens to enjoy, not for DBOC to make money off of.

This is not part of some "conspiracy" to turn all of the United States into a nature preserve. It is not part of "Agenda 21" (although Ms. Simpson could argue DBOC's "sustainability" reasoning for not leaving might be part of Agenda 21). It is, at its heart, whether a commercial operation should be operating within an area Congress intended to become wilderness. Supporters of DBOC's continued operation should understand clearly what they are supporting. It is not simply an oyster farm.

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