Our mission is to protect the habitat of Puget Sound tidelands from the underregulated expansion of new and intensive shellfish aquaculture methods. These methods were never anticipated when the Shoreline Management Act was passed. They are transforming the natural tideland ecosystems in Puget Sound and are resulting in a fractured shoreline habitat. In South Puget Sound much of this has been done with few if any meaningful shoreline permits and with limited public input. It is exactly what the Shoreline Management Act was intended to prevent.

Get involved and contact your elected officials to let them you do not support aquaculture's industrial transformation of Puget Sound's tidelands.

Governor Inslee:

Monday, March 5, 2018

Atlantic Salmon Open Net Pen Farming: Lessons from Scotland for Washington to Learn From

Scottish Parliamentary committee releases report
on Atlantic salmon net pen farming impacts on
Scotland's marine ecosystem and native species.
Read report here: https://t.co/8dMmWAt5ez

Encourage Governor Inslee to sign into law EHB2957, phasing out nonnative Atlantic salmon net pens. We do not need to become another Scotland.

Impacts from Atlantic Net Pen Farming in Scotland should not be replicated here. 
A hard earned lesson from Scotland to Washington: March 4th, the Scottish Parliament's environment committee released a report  on the impacts from Atlantic salmon open net pen farming in Scotland. It only serves to reinforce why Governor Inslee should sign EHB2957, a bill phasing out Atlantic net pen farming in Washington's waters, to prevent what's happening in Scotland now from occurring here.
(Read the report here: https://t.co/8dMmWAt5ez)

BBC: "the marine ecosystem is at risk if environmental concerns are not addressed."

The National: "Plans to expand salmon farming could cause “irrecoverable damage” to the environment, MSPs say."

The Herald: "committee has said it is “deeply concerned” about the environmental impact of the salmon farming industry in a damning new report."

Shetland News: "Damning salmon industry report warns of 'irrecoverable' environmental damage"

Be thankful citizens and elected representatives stood up and said this will not happen here, and passed EHB2957 which will phase out nonnative Atlantic salmon net pen operations. After Governor Inslee has signed the bill into law, all will have prevented Puget Sound from becoming the next Scotland. 

Get involved: Encourage Governor Inslee to sign EHB2957 into law.

It's time to move on from the elders and move into the future.

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