Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Mason County: Being involved makes a difference - SMP update changes are likely.

Next meeting: December 6, 9:30AM
Board Of County Commissioners chambers
411 N 5th St., Shelton
Send comments to: Rebecca Hersha at
See SMP Update information here:

Lake Cushman Residents Paid Attention
Other Shoreline Owners? Maybe dormant.

At Mason County's first SMP update hearing before the Mason County Commissioners, shoreline owners along Lake Cushman showed up and made clear their displeasure of how seemingly similar shorelines were categorized so differently. As a result of their presence, verbal comments, and written comments, Mason County's planning department was told by the Commissioners to get staff to reconsider the proposal. An email sent by the head of planning noted:
The Board of County Commissioners has asked Staff to provide information regarding the Shoreline Environmental Designations at Lake Cushman, and to propose options for re-designating some of those areas. They have asked that this be ready for presentation and Commissioner deliberation at the December 6, 2016 public hearing.
Surprise! These tidelands were only "dormant".
No permit needed.

It shows why being involved in the political process matters. Rather than reading about it in the newspaper after the fact or being informed their neighbor's property would now allow an industrial activity to occur without a permit, they showed up and became involved to help shape the regulations.

Like Lake Cushman's shoreline, Mason County's tidelands are on the cusp of being reshaped and developed, with large areas being defined as having "existing aquaculture" even if none had occurred for over 100 years, thereby avoiding any permit requirements. Overnight, tidelands in a residential area may become little more than an industrial area with heavy machinery operating at any hour of the night and any structure - if related to growing shellfish - allowed.

If there is any doubt of what the impact may be like, one only need look to the east at Burley Lagoon to see what has occurred (click here for article on Burley Lagoon proposal). Metal crates creating navigational hazards are randomly placed throughout the area. Barges operate at all ours of the night drop off and retrieving the crates, delivering others from outside the area, all banging on the aluminum hulls. Floodlights shine into residential areas, and all form of wildlife is chased off. It being simply termed "intensification" and not expansion. In the case of Mason County, it would simply be called a "dormant" shellfish farm.

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