Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sohn Geoduck Farm: Residents of Zangle Cove Appeal Thurston County SEPA Determination

Another Estuary Targeted
by the Geoduck Industry
Good for China
Bad for Puget Sound

These geoduck in Thurston County are not The Evergreen State College students.
Residents of Zangle Cove have appealed Thurston County's mitigated determination of non-significance SEPA decision. In that decision, Thurston County felt various conditions would serve to mitigate the environmental impacts the operation of a geoduck farm in this estuary would have. Their attorney writes on numerous issues which were inadequately considered. The full appeal may be found by clicking here.

Another one bites the dust?
First one, then the other, then...
Dickenson Cove: Just another sandy beach
to put plastic and PVC into.

You don't know what you've got until it's gone.
In the mean time, to the north in Thurston County, Dickenson Cove (aka Fishtrap Loop Cove) has also been targeted for development into a geoduck farm by Taylor Shellfish. Apparently not wanting to raise any red flags on the increasing development in the tidelands, this proposal has been put on hold until Zangle Cove has been decided.

Get involved.
The shellfish industry is and they are highly motivated and well financed. Tell your elected officials there is more to Puget Sound and its few remaining estuaries than growing geoduck for China.
Thurston County Commissioners:
Governor Inslee:
Legislative and Congressional contacts:

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