Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Lummi Tribe Objects to Coal Trains, Causing Corps to Reject Cherry Point Proposal

The Seattle PI writes on the Lummi Tribe forcing the Army Corps to reject the proposed Cherry Point coal terminal. To date the tribe has not objected to the ever expanding PVC and mesh tubes interfering with tribal fishing rights along the shorelines of Puget Sound.

Early Lummi Tribe
Geoduck Seed Hatchery

Look beyond the low tide line for alternatives.
Too bad the Lummi tribe doesn't sell their geoduck seed for replanting subtidal areas harvested by tribal members instead of for intertidal farms which require PVC and mesh tubes. Then, the Lummi may also have asserted their tribal fishing rights - and those of other tribes dependent on those rights - and objected to the current plans for increasing geoduck farm structures in the intertidal areas of Puget Sound which interfere with tribal fishing rights. That may have also caused the Corps to bring permitting of geoduck farms to a halt.

No Tribal Fishing
Allowed on this Beach

No fishing allowed. This beach is for geoducks sold to China, not tribal members to fish from.
PVC pipes and netting interfere with tribal fishing from the shoreline, and as more permits are approved for geoduck farms, less shoreline will be available for all tribes to exercise their tribal fishing rights. Requiring the state to replant subtidal areas stripped of geoduck - and providing an income stream for tribal members - has yet to be implemented.

Small steps.
Small steps taken sometimes get far distances. Were the Lummi and other northwest tribes to see the alternatives available to them they may one day also object to the ever expanding PVC and mesh tubes in the intertidal area which, step by step, are extinguishing their tribal rights to fish from the shores of Puget Sound.

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