Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Minterbrook Oyster/Kent Kingman Hearing Tonight, June 10

Friends of Burley Lagoon notes the following hearing for tonight:

June 10, 6:30PM
City of Gig Harbor
3510 Grandview St., Community Room A
Gig Harbor, WA

Shoreline Substantial Development Permit/Shoreline Conditional Use Permit: SD/CP9-15
Application Nos. 802556, 802559
Applicant: Minterbrook Oyster Company

Planner: Ty Booth,

Request: Demolish an existing office building and construct a new 9,730 sq. ft., 2-story restaurant/office building, set back 30 ft. from the shoreline. Parking would be on site and off site within leased WSDOT right-of-way. The site would be served by sewers. In addition to the submitted applications, the following are also likely necessary: 1) Shoreline Variance for dining patio/building eaves located within the 30-ft. shoreline setback. 2) Administrative Design Review/Site Plan Review to ensure applicable building design standards, etc. are met. 3) Zoning Code Variance for a building located within 20 ft. of the front yard setback. 4) Sign Code Variance for sign(s) facing SR 302. The site is located at 13810 SR 302 NW, in Council District #7.
Will Pierce County use this permit application as a stick to motivate Mr. Kingman to resolve his unpermitted shellfish farm, bulkhead and deck he agreed to take care of in a 2013 settlement agreement? Or are they separate issues?

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