Saturday, May 2, 2015

Taylor Shellfish Bows to Economics but Does Not Stop Support of Spraying Imazamox or Plasticizing Puget Sound

A 5th Generation Family Corporation is Just that - 
A Corporation
"It's not your grandfather's oyster farm."

Some is good - more is better?
Plasticizing Puget Sound tidelands

Is it really good news or just good public relations?
Reacting to economic pressures, the Seattle PI writes that Taylor Shellfish has announced it will not spray imidcacloprid on tidelands owned in Willapa Bay. Other growers have not. DOE has not rescinded the permit. Taylor Shellfish has not announced they will not spray the herbicide imazamox on their Willapa Bay tidelands, currently slated for application on over 3,000 acres (see public notice below). Taylor Shellfish has not announced they will stop using PVC pipes (40,000+/acre) in Puget Sound to grow geoduck for China in.

Public Notice for the application of imazamox
on over 3,000 acres of Willapa Bay, dated March 11

Only part of what goes on in Willapa Bay you don't know about
Willapa Bay growers Coast Seafoods, Heckes Clams, Herrold Fish and Oyster, Long Island Oyster, Northern Oyster, Station House Oyster, Wiegardt and Sons, and Willapa Bay Shellfish have been silent. As they and Taylor Shellfish have been for all the years which carbaryl was being applied on Willapa Bay's shellfish beds. And glyphosate and imazapyr.

Governor Inslee and Bill Dewey,
Taylor Shellfish's internal lobbyist

Get involved - the shellfish industry is and the story behind it is a good one
There is a reason Washington's Office of the Attorney General office has called Willapa Bay a "chemical soup." There is a reason shellfish growers do not want you to know. There is a reason the politics behind this approval and approval of the herbicide imazamox is a far better story to write about. 

Get involved and stay involved.
Sign a petition addressing these larger issues the Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat has released.…/governor-inslee-stop-enab…/

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