Sunday, May 3, 2015

Assembly At DOE May 4, 12 Noon

[Update 5/4: KING 5 TV will broadcast a story on the assembly and meeting with the Director of Ecology tonight. Time is unknown.]

Martin Way E and Desmond Dr E

DOE's canceling the permit to apply the neurotoxin imidacloprid onto Washington's tidelands, a permit approved at the request the shellfish industry, is a small step in the direction DOE should be moving. May 4 at 12 noon an assembly at the intersection of Desmond Dr SE and Martin Way E in front of DOE's office will be held by those who believe the shellfish industry hold too much influence over decisions this agency makes.

You can help show that Washington's marine habitat areas are not the sole domain of the shellfish industry by attending.

Information is found here:

An alternative gathering will be held at the Sea School cooperative in Long Beach. Information is found here:

You may also help in the ongoing resistance to the transformation of Puget Sound's tideland habitat areas by supporting The Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat, an organization who has spent immense funds and time in standing up to this industry.

Get involved and stay involved. The shellfish industry is and they are flush with money and motivated.

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