Friday, April 10, 2015

Imidicloprid Spraying in Willapa Bay: Department of Ecology Releases Final EIS

[Update 4/10: A petition on has been created by Westport Salmon Tales which asks DOE to deny any permit applications for the use if imidacloprid in Willapa Bay. Get involved and sign the petition.] 
"[imidacloprid] has severe effects
on a range of organisms
that provide ecosystem services"
Preferred alternative for Willapa Bay:
Spray 7,000 acres with imidacloprid.
Final EIS, April 9 (20mb file)
Just another native species
the shellfish industry wants eliminated
through chemical application
to Willapa Bay's shellfish beds.

The Department of Ecology has released its final Environmental Impact Statement with spraying the pesticided Imidicloprid on up to 7,000 acres over 5 years to control burrowing shrimp as the preferred alternative. The FEIS can be found here (20mb file):
This follows by one day the article in the New York Times which describes the growing concerns over the use of neonicotinoids, which imidacloprid is one of. In the article, they remind us that Europe has banned the use of this pesticide and discuss the European Academies Science Advisory Council's study, noting:
A growing body of evidence shows that the widespread use of the pesticides “has severe effects on a range of organisms that provide ecosystem services like pollination and natural pest control, as well as on biodiversity,” the report’s authors said.
Get involved. The shellfish industry is and no state agencies are willing to stand up to the industry.

Elected officials:
Tell Costco to stop buying oysters from Willapa Bay (email button on lower left of their Customer Service site)
Don't buy oysters from Willapa Bay.


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