Friday, April 24, 2015

4/24: Bloomberg News on DOE's Approval to Spray Imidacloprid - "What could go wrong?"

"A pesticide from the group of chemicals linked
to colony collapse disorder will now
be sprayed in US waters.
What could go wrong?"
“We’re not going near the aquatic use
of pesticides because of the liability issues.”
Bayer CropScience
Bayer refuses to approve marine application
April 24th, Bloomberg News writes on the Department of Ecology's approval to spray the pesticide imidacloprid on 1,500 acres of shellfish beds in Willapa Bay and 500 acres in Grays Harbor. The article notes Bayer CropScience's refusing to approve the application of imidacloprid for aquatic use, writing:
Fischer of Bayer CropScience notes that his company had reason to worry: “On all our imidacloprid labels, it says, ‘Do not apply directly to water.’ You don’t want to hit nontarget organisms like crabs.”
Go down under to get around things - and find a lobbyist
Dick Sheldon with Northern Oyster was fortunate, in his eyes. As explained in the article, imidacloprid had come off patent in 2005. A generic form began being manufactured by NuFarm in Australia. However, they refused to approach the Environmental Protection Agency. Undeterred, the growers enlisted the help of Washington lobbyist Alan Schreiber and ex-employee of the EPA. Mr. Schreiber convinced the growers to approach the EPA directly who said it would leave the final decision to the Department of Ecology. With DOE's approval, NuFarm is now happy to provide imidacloprid for application on Washington's shellfish beds and the growers are happy to apply it.
What could go wrong? There are no honey bees on the tidelands.
Brady Engval, one of the last pure old time oyster growers in Washington, joked at a hearing there are not many honey bees on the tidelands. Lost on Mr. Engval was Bayer CropScience refusing to approve the application over concerns of "nontarget organisms like crabs." With DOE's approval, NuFarm from Australia has no such concerns, so will gladly sell whatever amount of imidacloprid the growers want.
The "merroir" of a Willapa Bay oyster
Marketing plans and talking points behind those plans are always fascinating to hear. In the case of Willapa Bay oysters, it is the "merroir" (the taste given an oyster based on the marine environment it is grown in) which helps to sell those oysters. The next time someone speaks of the "merroir" of a Willapa Bay oyster you can tell them you know why it tastes as it does. And why you don't eat them.
In the end...
From the article: As Charles Benbrook, a WSU toxicologist, sees it, “Imidacloprid is malware. It doesn’t blow up any buildings, but it inserts itself ruinously into the neurological code of a species.” Taking a stance that many of his colleagues would consider extreme, he argues, “Imidacloprid is more dangerous than old-school chemicals like carbaryl—definitely. It’s insidious.” In the article, Dick Sheldon's son notes his father wants to be buried in his boat. If he eats enough oysters from Willapa Bay, that may happen sooner than later.

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