Monday, February 2, 2015

Pierce County Shoreline Master Program Update: Meeting Feb 2, 5:30PM, Peninsula High School

Reminder: Pierce County SMP hearing Feb 2, 5:30PM, at Peni...nsula High School, Auditorium, 14105 Purdy Drive NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98332. Pierce County notes: "Now the committee wants to gather feedback on those [amendments] before sending a final version to the full County Council." (scheduled for March 10)
For current amendments, see here:
Good morning neighbor: Sunday morning, 7AM
Industrial operations in Puget Sound tidelands at all hours of the day and night is not the "balance" the Shoreline Management Act was created for.
If you can dive harvest there is no
reason for midnight geoduck harvesting.
Sediment plumes are from 2 divers
from each raft, harvesting geoduck.

Yes, we see you and yes, we hear you.
So does what's left of the wildlife.
Shellfish operator at 4AM
with floodlights. Good for wildlife?
Get involved. The shellfish industry is, and has been for years and what they see in France is what they think is good for Puget Sound.
Mussel platforms in France.

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