Friday, February 13, 2015

Charles Moore to Speak on Ocean Plastics

Plastic Pollution in Puget Sound is no Better

Charles Moore, noted scientist and activist, will speak on "A Month in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch" at the University of Puget Sound on March 3 at 5:30 PM (see posters below). He will also be testifying before Washington's Shorelines Hearings Board March 3, at 9 AM, regarding the Taylor/Seattle Shellfish joint geoduck farm on the Haley family tidelands, along with James Brennan and Jim Johannessen who will be testifying March 2. 

In early December, James Brennan wrote a challenge to the Puget Sound Partnership in which he detailed why an article in Salish Sea Currents by Eric Wagner on "ecosystem services" provided by oysters was "...inaccurate, misleading, and promotes an industry that has a history of actions that run counter to protecting and restoring marine ecosystems." Mr. Brennan rightfully challenges claims by the shellfish industry, among others that they are a "cornerstone to the economy of Puget Sound" (it's not Boeing nor Microsoft) and that relying on Marlene Meaders, a consultant for the shellfish industry, for insight without checking the facts skews his article to one being little more than a promotion for an industry doing long term damage to critical marine habitats.

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