Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Kitsap County: November 17, County to Discuss Department of Ecology's Conditionally Approved SMP update

Kitsap County will hold a meeting November 17 to discuss Ecology's conditionally approved Shoreline Master Program update. Both required and recommended changes will be available at the meeting, or are available on Ecology's web site. As a result of Taylor Shellfish's attorney, much of the regulatory oversight of aquaculture has been minimized.

Aquaculture gear provides "habitat"
so should not need a "burdensome" permit.
(p.3, 2012 letter)

Unlike aquaculture gear, Japanese eelgrass
is a "weed", not a food source for migratory birds,
habitat for other species, or something to sequester CO2.

 Date:  November 4, 2014
 Contact:  David Greetham, Planner Supervisor Kitsap County DCD or 360.337.5777
No:  2014-126 

 Kitsap County to Host Open House on Final Shoreline Master Program (SMP)
County to host an open house on Department of Ecology SMP conditional approval and Ecology’s required and recommended changes. 
(Port Orchard, WA)   The Kitsap County Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Update received conditional approval by the Department of Ecology on October 2, 2014. The Kitsap Board of County Commissioners wishes to provide the public an opportunity to view the required and recommended changes before they take final action to adopt the SMP.

Kitsap County will host an open house on Monday, November 17 from 5:00-6:00pm at the Silverdale Community Center, Evergreen Room.  Copies of the Department of Ecology Conditional Approval letter and display copies of the Kitsap SMP will be available at the open house. These documents can also be accessed via the Kitsap SMP website,

The Board of County Commissioners is scheduled to hold a hearing on adopting the Ecology approval conditions on Monday, November 24th at their regular business meeting (5:30pm, Kitsap County Administration Building, Port Orchard).  

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