Wednesday, October 1, 2014

South Puget Sound Vibrio Closures

Growing areas in south Puget Sound which had been closed due to vibriosis traced to oysters harvested commercially from those growing areas have been allowed to re-open. As part of the vibrio control plan, when a growing area's oysters have caused four or more consumers to contract vibriosis within a 30 day period the area is automatically closed until October 1.

Growing areas in south Puget Sound which had been closed included Oakland Bay, Totten Inlet, Pickering Passage, Eld Inlet, and Henderson Inlet. Also included in the closures and now allowed to re-open is Samish Bay.

The Department of Health will release statistics to help determine whether the heightened awareness and steps implemented were able to control the number of illnesses contracted from oysters harvested from Puget Sound.

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