Friday, September 5, 2014

Vibriosis: Reported Illnesses Close Eld Inlet - Vibrion vulnificus found in Washington oysters

[Update 9/14: Vibriosis traced to oysters from Henderson Inlet has resulted in closure to commercial harvesting of oysters from that bay. Henderson Bay and Burley Lagoon have been closed to harvesting of all shellfish due to paralytic shellfish poisoning.]
[Update 9/7: Vibriosis traced to oysters from Peale Passage have resulted in additional cooling restrictions to be put in place for oysters harvested from that growing area. In 2013 it was closed September 19.]
Reported Cases of Vibriosis Close Eld Inlet

Eld Inlet has been closed to the commercial harvesting of oysters due to reported cases of vibriosis contracted from oysters harvested from that body of water. Warming water temperatures and increased consumption both play a role in the contraction of vibriosis from Washington State oysters.

Vibrio vulnificus detected in Washington State oysters
Of greatest concern is the warmer water temperatures will begin to create an environment in which the more deadly - and natural - bacterium Vibrio vulnificus becomes as common as it has in the Gulf of Mexico and now in Chesapeake Bay. Florida alone has reported 3 deaths in 2014 from the more deadly form of Vibrio. Last year Vibrio vulnificus was detected in Washington oysters, elevating the level of concern over consumption of oysters harvested from Puget Sound waters.

Tip if the iceberg
As noted last year when vibriosis from oysters harvested from Washington State spiked during the summer:
Dr. Jeff Duchin, Chief of Communicable Disease for Public Health said in a statement, “this is probably the tip of the iceberg. For every case that is reported, an estimated 142 additional cases go unreported.” The bacteria occur naturally in ocean waters and grow more rapidly during the summer months.
Life has risks
Life has risks. Consuming oysters is only one. Being educated of what those risks are and how to avoid them will help ensure those risks are minimized.

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