Sunday, August 31, 2014

Center for Biological Diversity Files Petition with EPA for Regulation of PVC

Where do all those PVC tubes go
after 2 years in Puget Sound?
What leaches off of the  ~40,000/acre
used for geoduck farms?
Center for Biological Diversification Files Petition with EPA
The Center for Biological Diversification has filed a petition with the EPA asking for increased regulatory oversight of PVC products such as the 8" pipes used in geoduck farming. CBD provides a wealth of studies and information which document the risks to the marine environment from PVC degradation. [see petition here]
NY Times, August 25, 2013
Case Inlet, Puget Sound
Escaped PVC pipes from geoduck farm.
Aquaculture is part of a bigger problem, but it is poised to become a much bigger part of the problem
Escaped PVC, netting and rope from aquaculture in Puget Sound is only part of a larger problem of escaped plastics in the ocean. But it is a growing problem and poised to expand immensely. As Charles Moore notes in his editorial entitled "Chocking the Oceans with Plastic", printed in the New York Times on August 25:
The problem is compounded by the aquaculture industry, which uses enormous amounts of plastic in its floats, nets, lines and tubes.
Help put the brakes on plastic pollution in Puget Sound
You can help stop the risk to Puget Sound and the upland areas where the PVC pipes are disposed of when no longer useable. Contact your County Commissioners and tell them as creators of the Shoreline Master Programs which implement the intended goal of the Shoreline Management Act to protect Puget Sound's tidelands you demand PVC pipes be tightly controlled, from cradle to grave, in not entirely banned.

Click here for Thurston County contact information
Click here for Mason County contact information
Click here for Pierce County contact information


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