Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Drakes Bay Oyster Company: What is stewardship of Drakes Estero best determined from?

Scuba diving in Drakes Estero - inches away?
(from Richard James,

A kayak in Drakes Estero - feet away?
Tubes pulled from the bottom and piled
onto wooden racks in Drakes Estero.
(from Richard James,

A second floor office in San Francisco - 35 miles away?
"a superb example of how people can produce high-quality food 
in harmony with the environment." June 14, 2014
Press release from Tina Walker, Singer Associates 
on Pacific Legal Foundation web site.

An "office" next to the Willow Oaks Country Club in Virginia - 2,500 miles away?
"They are the best stewards that paradise could have."
Tom Kent, Kent Communciations, February 6, 2014
Partner with Sarah Rolph in trying to
raise money for projects now not clear, 
supporting DBOC remaining in Drakes Estero.

A home in Carlisle, Massachusetts - 2,700 miles away?
"The Lunnys are known as careful stewards of the land and water"
Website created in part by Sarah Rolph
supporting Drakes Bay Oyster Company's
continued commercial operation in
the Philip Burton Wilderness.

How to determine stewardship - West Marin citizens need to step out of the fog 
If one were to determine whether Drakes Bay Oyster Company has been a "good steward" of the marine environment as they claim, where would be the best place to determine whether in fact that was the case? Citizens of Marin County need to step out of the fog which public relations firms and individuals have surrounded this commercial operation with. Claims of environmental stewardship sink when facts are revealed through pictures on

Pawns in a greater game
This is not what lobbyists from San Francisco, a public relations firm in Virginia, and a self proclaimed "story teller" in Carlisle, Massachusetts describe it as. It is a commercial operation whose owners and employees are being used in a greater game by those whose objective is to open wilderness areas to other industrial commercial operations and to redefine wilderness so future wilderness areas are not protected. DBOC has not been a good steward of this wilderness estuary and it is far past time to go.

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