Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bloom of Vibrio Bacteria Closes Southern Hood Canal to Commercial Shellfish Harvesting of Oysters

Rising Vibrio levels close portions of Hood Canal to commercial harvesting of oysters
Washington's Department of Health has announced that it has closed the southern part of Hood Canal to the commercial harvesting of oysters. Testing for the naturally occurring bacteria Vibrio parahaemolyticus reached levels which require a mandatory closure until levels drop.

10,000 and above in growing areas 6, 7 and 8
Testing of waters from July 9th showed levels ranging from 110,000 to 15,000. Areas approaching the 10,000 closure number included Dabob Bay (6,400) and Denotas (9,300). It is expected that with the warm weather and low tides of last weekend levels of Vp will continue to increase.

"vibrio infections or vibriosis from uncooked seafood like raw oysters and sushi have become much more widespread" (Seattle PI, July 9)
In addition to testing for levels of Vp automatic closures of areas also occur when reported cases of vibriosis are traced back to specific growing areas. Currently, shellfish growers are trying to prevent the ongoing increase in reported cases which has been occurring and which the Center for Disease Control has expressed concern over. Steps range from shortening the time a harvested oyster is cooled to banning commercial harvesting entirely.

Life is not always safe - but don't stay inside
Life has many risks and contracting a disease is only one of them. Take precautions when eating seafood in the summer time. The Department of Health recommends not eating raw oysters and cooking them until they reach 145 degrees. They warn that a shell opening is not a sign they are safe to eat. (see DOH "Safe Practices" for more).

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