Thursday, April 24, 2014

Mason County to Geoduck Farmers: No Permits Nor Exemptions Needed

Is a tideland re-appraisal being considered?
While Mason County works on updating its Shoreline Master Program it has decided the current SMP does not require permits.

Mason County has sent letters to a number of geoduck farmers notifying them neither permits nor exemptions are needed for proposed geoduck farms. Whether the Department of Ecology or the Army Corps will authorize activity is unknown. What is known is the supply of geoduck to a limited market continues to increase, putting the pricing structure at further risk of collapse.

Examples of what has been noted as being sent:

February 6, for tidelands owned by the McDermid family: Letter sent to Taylor Shellfish. Planning Dept has determined shoreline permit is not required for proposed geoduck aquaculture.

April 24, for adjacent tidelands owned by the Yates and Millers: Authorization Letter issued for geoduck farm because it does not require a shoreline permit or a shoreline exemption. Project Name: Trident (Yates/Miller) Geoduck Farm. Parcel Numbers: 12131-22-00020 (Yates) and 12131-22-70010 (Miller). Letter sent 4/24/14. Copies sent to both parcel files.

April 24, for adjacent tidelands owned by the Butlers and Crosby's: Authorization Letter issued for geoduck farm because it does not require a shoreline permit or shoreline exemption. Project Name: Trident (Butler/Crosby) Geoduck Farm. PN 22127-23-00060 (Butler), 22127-23-00000 (Butler), 22127-23-00030 (Crosby). Letter sent 4/24/14. Copies sent to all 3 parcel files.

April 23, for adjacent tidelands owned by the Colello and Justis families: Letter of Approval sent on 4/23/14 approving proposal without need for exemption or shoreline permit. Copies sent to each parcel file: 22021-50-00036 (Colello) and 22021-50-00915 (Justis). This was indicated as "Site 1" by consultant.

April 24, for tidelands owned by the Vanderberg family: Letter of Approval sent on 4/24/14 approving proposal without need for exemption or shoreline permit. Copy sent to parcel file PN 22021-50-90031. This was indicated as "Site 3" by consultant within BE.

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