Thursday, April 3, 2014

Imazamox Permit Issued: Washington Department of Ecology Approves General Permit

One more ingredient
approved for Willapa Bay's 
chemical soup.
(spraying Spartina in Willapa Bay)

Washington's Department of Ecology has issued a General Permit which will allow for the application of the herbicide imazamox on clam beds in Willapa Bay, including those which do not currently exist. As stated in Appendix B, Responsiveness Summary:
This would include existing operations as well as new aquaculture areas so long as they fit the definition of commercial clam bed (page 15, Appendix A, final EIS)
How many acres would be sprayed? That depends on what number you want to pick. It could be 1,100 (the number currently in production and impacted). Or it could be 4,100 if you added the 3,000 additional acres estimated to be out of production. Or, it could be 6,000 acres, the total number of acres estimated to be suitable for Manila clam production. 

Whatever the number, shellfish from Willapa Bay will have one more chemical to filter from their aquatic environment.

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