Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Oil Spill Response and Preparedness: Is it Real or Public Relations?

Public Meeting February 22, 2014: Oil Spill Response and Preparedness
(click here for details)

Are agencies really ready?
We'll find out.

Are you really ready to respond?
Agencies involved in the recent Community Engagement in Oil Spill Response and Readiness workshops held for the benefit of the public have been given the golden opportunity to show they are, in fact, "ready to respond."

Here we come, ready or not.

Oil and coal exports on ships add risk to Puget Sound's waters
As recently as January 24, and upcoming on February 22, workshops to help assuage public concerns over increased tanker traffic resulting from the Trans Mountain pipeline proposal by Kinder Morgan Canada have been held. They continue to be held. It has been estimated tanker traffic through Haro Straits and the Straits of Juan de Fuca will increase from 5 a month to 34 a month. With the addition of coal exports to Asia it has been estimated that an additional 487 ships annually to handle the coal would be added to ship traffic.

Is 2,000 gallons a "significant" spill?
At this point agencies' executing on a plan has been described in the Kitsap Sun this way:
The Kitsap Sun received mixed reports about whether a unified command would be implemented to develop a coordinated response to the spill. That level of coordination, which would include the Navy, Coast Guard and Ecology, is normally implemented for a significant oil spill.
Redfield-Wilder of Ecology said she was hearing that such a command would be established Wednesday morning, but Coast Guard spokesman Jordan Akiyama said his superiors told him that the Navy will remain in charge until further notice.

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