Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hood Canal Naval Oil Spill: Department of Health Waits for Department of Ecology Test Results

[Update 2/20: The Department of Health continues to maintain a harvest advisory for the area 2 miles south of the naval facility north to the Hood Canal bridge. In addition, they continue the emergency closure of the intertidal and subtidal area along the eastern shoreline adjacent to the naval facility. As of 2/20 the Department of Ecology (DOE) has not publically released results of its water samples.]
Harvest Advisory/Closure as of 2/18 
(From DOH website 2/20)
USS Ohio Nuclear Submarine
Returning for Servicing 
to Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor
Passing Through the Hood Canal Bridge
On February 11 an estimated 2,000 gallons of "oily bilge water" from a naval ship was discharged into Hood Canal while being serviced at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor. Presumably it was one of the Ohio-class "Trident" nuclear submarines. The naval facility is located on the Kitsap Peninsula on the shoreline of Puget Sound's Hood Canal and services the entire Pacific Fleet of the Ohio-class nuclear submarines. Initially the Navy estimated the spill to be only 150 gallons, an amount disputed a short time later by the Department Ecology who estimated the spill to be close to 2,000 gallons. The next day the Navy agreed that the spill was more likely to be 2,000 gallons. Whether more could have been done had the Navy been aware the spill was more than ten times larger is not known.
Bangor Naval Base - Service for
Ohio-class ("Trident")
Nuclear Submarine Fleet
Agency Response
The Department of Health (DOH) has stated they are awaiting test results from the Department of Ecology (DOE), expected Tuesday morning, before deciding what more to do. Until then they are advising commercial shellfish harvesters with beds from 2 miles south of Bangor to the Hood Canal bridge - a distance of 12 miles - to also wait for the results before harvesting shellfish. DOH closed the intertidal and subtidal areas at the base "...along the eastern shoreline of Hood Canal within the Hood Canal 2 Shellfish Growing Area." (see below for complete email sent to shellfish growers Friday, February 14th). It was not clear whether the Department of Health was separately testing water quality and shellfish tissue. Clean up is apparently being left in the hands of naval personnel. Whether China will take an interest in how shellfish safety is being attended to is unknown.
Oil 10 miles north of Bangor
at the Hood Canal Bridge
(courtesy of the Department of Ecology)
February 14 email from DOH to commercial growers:
In-field evaluations from our partner agencies have not identified any
significant intertidal impacts from this spill.  The Department of
Ecology has collected a sample of the spilled material and is analyzing
it in their laboratory.  We hope to have results by Tuesday morning.
Oil booms remain in place around the spill site and the Navy is
continuing to try to collect the remaining oil in this area.  The
majority of recoverable product has been collected.
We will continue to keep the shellfish harvest advisory in place until
we can evaluate the results from the samples collected by the Department
of Ecology. This advisory covers the area two miles south of the Navy
base north to the Hood Canal Bridge.  In addition to this advisory we
are closing the intertidal shoreline and subtidal areas at the Bangor
Navy Base, along the eastern shoreline of Hood Canal within the Hood
Canal 2 Shellfish Growing Area, to commercial shellfish harvest.

We will continue to keep you informed.

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