Friday, November 29, 2013

New Geoducks at Risk With Deep Minus Tides and Arctic Air Mass Next Week

Late night deep minus tides (down to -3.5 on Tuesday night) and an arctic air mass which is forecast to move into Washington state at the same time will put those geoduck planted this summer and fall, and other shellfish, at risk next week. With temperatures projected to fall into the teens at night during the same period, shellfish exposed to freezing air temperatures may have their gills permanently damaged or die outright. Those planted in the higher elevations are especially at risk due to the length of time they are exposed to the below freezing temperatures (e.g., during a -3.5 cycle, those planted at a +2 tidal elevation are exposed to freezing temperatures for almost 5 hours). 
December 2013 Tide Table

Tides and forecast temperatures

Monday, Dec 2: Tide -3.1, Temperature 27 degrees
Tuesday, Dec 3: Tide -3.5, Temperature 20 degrees
Wednesday, Dec 4: Tide -3.4, Temperature 18 degrees
Thursday, Dec 5: Tide -3.4, Temperature 23 degrees
Friday, Dec 6: Tide -2.9, Temperature 23 degrees
Saturday, Dec 7: Tide -1.8, Temperature 23 degrees

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