Thursday, October 3, 2013

How to Help Ensure Puget Sound's Nearshore Environment is Protected

In Puget Sound there are currently two groups on different legal levels who intend to hold the shellfish industry to the same standards as upland property owners are. Case Inlet Shoreline Association (a member of the Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat) and APHETI (the Association for the Protection of Hammersley, Eld and Totten Inlets) are both appealing various permit approvals. CISA is focused on geoduck farms and has appealed permits to the Shoreline Hearings Board. APHETI is focused on a 58 raft mussel farm at the mouth of Totten Inlet and is now at the Superior Court in partnership with Thurston County, appealing a reversal by the Shoreline Hearings Board of the County's denial of Taylor Shellfish's permit application. All are in south Puget Sound, south of the Tacoma Narrows.

Geoduck Farm
~40,000 PVC pipes/acre
Is this really benign?

South Puget Sound is perhaps the most intensely developed areas in all of Puget Sound. While in the early 1970's shellfish aquaculture was, perhaps, a relatively benign operation run by small families, like all industries it has grown and evolved. It is now controlled by a few large companies who are generating immense profits from geoduck farming. These profits are being poured into local governments to craft the updated Shoreline Master Plans such that "industrial" levels of aquaculture are considered a "preferred use." Lobbyists and public relations firms have been hired. It is an industry.

You can help ensure that the future of Puget Sound's shoreline will include the protection of the nearshore environment below the high tide line, into the intertidal and subtidal areas. This habitat supports species which have evolved over thousands of years to be able to take advantage of a shoreline area which is continually exposed and covered, twice each day. It is unlike anything anywhere else and is one of the primary areas which the Shoreline Management Act was intended to protect. It is an area being transformed forever by the shellfish industry and if allowed to continue will never be the same.

Donations to CISA or APHETI will have long term returns which our children, and theirs, will enjoy. Get involved and make a difference.

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