Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thurston County Joins APHETI in Appealing SHB Decision

Thurston County has announced it will join APHETI in its appeal to Superior Court of the Shoreline Hearings Board (SHB) reversal of the County's denial of Taylor Shellfish's shoreline permit for a 58 raft mussel farm.

Thurston County's Hearing Examiner had denied the permit based on a lack of information addressing cumulative impacts. Taylor Shellfish appealed that decision to the County Commissioners who affirmed the denial. Taylor Shellfish then appealed that affirmation of the denial to the SHB who reversed the denial. Taylor Shellfish then attempted to circumvent the County's authority by petitioning the SHB to consider and accept a "monitoring plan" created by their contract scientist, based in large part on salmon net pens. The SHB denied that petition.

Help Support APHETI
More detailed information on the SHB reversal is found on APHETI's site as is information on how you can help support their goal of protecting Puget Sound's waters and shorelines for the benefit of everyone, as the Shoreline Management Act intended, not just a select few shellfish companies.

This is not good for Puget Sound.

Invasive tunicates growing on Taylor's mussels,
dislodged and spread through Puget Sound while harvesting.

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