Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fudge Point State Park Becomes a Reality

UPDATE, July 1
Special thanks: As the dust settles there are some special thanks to specific legislators for the funding of Washington Wildlife and Recreation Fund (WWRP) which allowed for the acquisition of Fudge Point, among numerous other programs. Take time to let them know you appreciate their effort. They include:

Capital budget writers
Representative Hans Dunshee - (360) 786-7804
Representative Judy Warnick -(360) 786-7932
Senator Jim Honeyford (360) 786-7684
Senator Sharon Nelson (360) 786-7667

Others who played critical roles:
Washington Wildlife Recreation Coalition Board members:

Speaker Frank Chopp - (360) 786-7920
Representative Hans Zeiger (R-Puyallup) - (360) 786-7968
Representative Steve Tharinger (D-Dequim) - (360) 786-7904
Senator Christine Rolfes (D-Bainbridge) - (360) 786-7644
Senator Andy Hill (R-Redmond) - (360) 786-7672

and lobbyists Majken Ryherd and Jim Richards.

Take the time to call or write and tell them "thanks."

Funding for the acquisition and creation of Fudge Point State on Harstsine Island has been approved and signed into law. For everyone who made the effort to create what will be seen in the future as one of the state's great parks, thank you. Tell you state legislators and Governor Inslee "thank you" for having the foresight to make this a reality for future generations to enjoy. And to the Scott Family, thank you.

Fudge Point State Park
Harstine Island, Washington

Uplands and 3,200 linear feet of tidelands
to mean low tide have become a park.
Contact information to express thanks, and to encourage making this the state's premier park:
Governor Inslee -
Find your Legislators -
Others who played a role:
Senator/Commissioner Tim Sheldon -
Senator Karen Fraser -
Members on the Capital Budget Committee -

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