Monday, May 6, 2013

Drakes Estero: Phyllis Faber Lawsuit Against Coastal Commission Called Frivolous

In a guest op-ed piece published in the May 2, Marin Independent Journal, Dr. Martin Griffin describes the lawsuit filed by Ms. Phyllis Faber against the California Coastal Commission (CCC) as a misguided effort which he forcefully states is frivolous. Ms. Faber challenged the CCC's orders against Drakes Bay Oyster Company (DBOC) for their numerous Coastal Act violations they have chosen to ignore.

Dr. Martin Griffin

In the piece he reminds readers about the fact that DBOC chose to ignore previous cease and desist orders filed against them. He correctly describes a company who simply chose to ignore numerous requests, becoming demands, that they correct deficiencies in their operation which were in violation of the Coastal Act. It clearly states that DBOC is alone in their ignoring regulations every other shellfish operator in California finds no problems complying with. Touched on but not developed fully is the false belief by Ms. Faber and others that cessation of the commercial shellfish farm's operations will have adverse ecological impacts worse than those currently occurring, a claim not based on fact but supposition put forth by DBOC's attorney.

Seemingly, the friendship between Ms. Faber and the Lunny family will alter a legacy of environmental activism she has established over her lifetime. If she prevails, the Coastal Act will be greatly diminished and the ability of the California Coastal Commission to enforce the regulations it was created to oversee will be greatly weakened. Something many industries will not doubt be enthused about.

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