Thursday, April 4, 2013

Detienne Geoduck Farm Permit Receives a Second Hearing

May 2, 2013 at 10AM
Comments due April 10, 4:30PM
Email to:
Disc of the new exhibits, $7 - call Ty Booth at 253-798-3727
(see email below)

A last second "document dump" of information
by the proponent may be reviewed by the public.

"Document dumps" must have time to be reviewed by the public.
On March 27 Pierce County's Hearing Examiner held the first public hearing on the Detienne subtidal and intertidal geoduck farm permit. At that hearing the proponent, in a last minute attempt to overwhelm the examiner, county and the public, performed what is kindly described as a "document dump." When the public complained about the last minute drop-off and asked for time to review the relevance of the material, the proponent's attorney objected. Fortunately for the public the Hearing Examiner agreed that there should be additional time to review both the last second information as well as information presented at the hearing.
Friends of Burley Lagoon newsletter provides a County email on the second hearing and a summary of the meeting.
Friends of Burley Lagoon members provide below a special newsletter which describes the meeting as well as the Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat's "Cycle of Loss" showing the net losses to Puget Sound habitat from geoduck farming.
Friends of Burley Lagoon
"Lagoon Links Extra"
March 28, 2014
Email from Pierce County Planner Ty Booth
(click to enlarge)

Meeting Summary
(page 1 of 3)
click image to enlarge
(page 2 of 3)
click image to enlarge

 page 3 of 3
(includes "Circle of Loss")
click image to enlarge
Become involved. The shellfish industry's immense profits being earned from geoducks are buying "science" and paying attorneys and public relation firms to define a "new environmental movement" which is undoing decades of work to ensure future generations may enjoy Puget Sound's diverse ecosystem. [click here for article on Seattle's past environmentalists being bought out by the coal industry]

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