Sunday, April 21, 2013

Shoreline Hearings Board to Hear Appeal of Taylor Mussel Farm Permit Denial

The Shoreline Hearings Board will hold a hearing on Thurston County's denial of Taylor Shellfish's permit for their proposed 58 raft mussel farm, located at the mouth of Totten Inlet. The public is invited to attend.

One of Taylor's current mussel farms
located in Totten Inlet.
(click lower right corner to enlarge)

Taylor Shellfish has proposed placing 58 rafts near the mouth of Totten Inlet to expand production of their non-native Mediterranean mussels sold. Thurston County required an environmental impact statement to be performed which the Hearing Examiner decided was lacking in its analysis of cumulative impacts. The Examiner gave Taylor the opportunity to provide additional information which they chose not to do, and instead asked that the permit be denied. [click here to read Taylor's request for denial] The Examiner complied. Over one year later, additional information the Examiner asked for is now being provided to the Shoreline Hearings Board.

After the permit was denied (as requested) Taylor then appealed that decision to the Thurston County Board of Commissioners. The Commissioners in turn agreed that the information provided was lacking in its analysis of cumulative impacts, supported the Examiner's permit denial, and denied the appeal.

After the Commissioners decision, Taylor then appealed the decision to the Shoreline Hearings Board where it will be heard, with additional information now being provided. Thurston County's Prosecuting Attorney's Office and APHETI's attorney David Mann (Gendler and Mann) will defend the decision to have denied the permit. [click here for APHETI site]

Taylor Shellfish could have easily provided the Hearing Examiner the additional information they are now providing to the Shoreline Hearings Board. Not having done so has resulted in a significant expense to Thurston County taxpayers.

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