Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mason County Shoreline Plan Update Citizen Meeting

Mason County's Shoreline Master Program Website notes the Citizen Advisory Committee will meet January 16, from 9AM to 12PM at Alderbrook Resort. The meeting location is a change, as was the addition of the January 16 date.
[click here for Mason County's Shoreline Master Program web site]

Mason County may cancel the meeting, or change the meeting place, so citizens should call Mason County to confirm there is a meeting taking place at which the public is invited. As a reminder of what Mason County's "Public Participation" plan is, click here. Not noted is when the Draft SMP will be posted to the web site. Unlike other counties who have posted not only their drafts but comments and responses to those comments as well. To view what Mason County has made available on their website, click here.

To receive information regarding the Shoreline Master Program Update:
Call: (360) 427-9670 Ext. 408, or,
Email LaJane Schopfer: lajanes@co.mason.wa.us

To contact Commisioners on how to better improve public awareness and involvement, contact information is:
Commissioners: Randy Neatherline, Tim Sheldon, and Terri Jeffreys
Call - (360) 427-9670 X419
For email, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.

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