Saturday, October 20, 2012

NOAA is Duped in Huge Geoengineering Experiment to Reduce CO2 in Ocean

Phytoplankton Bloom in August of 2012
West of Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands)

Circled area in the middle may be the bloom
created from dumping over 100 tons of dust/iron. 

In the boiling concern of rising CO2 levels in the Pacific Ocean, NOAA has found itself involved in the middle of what some may consider a multi-million dollar deception. A NOAA spokesman claims they had no idea the 20 monitoring buoys they provided were being used to support geoengineering experiment not approved by anyone. Over 100 tonnes of "finely ground dust" containing iron was dumped into the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Having taken place off the coast of the Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), it is claimed to have resulted in a phytoplankton bloom over 10,000 square kilometers in size (see picture above). [click here for story]

Haida Village Circa 1876

Ancient Haida First Nation Totem Poles Today

The Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation was created by the Haida First Nation to help restore salmon runs on the Haida Gwaii where Haida ancestors lived for over 9,000 years. There, remains of their past culture are still seen on the island shorelines of Haida Gwaii, placed before their population was decimated by smallpox, reduced almost 95% by the late 1800's.

Russ George with Planktos, Inc

Haida First Nation members were approached by Russ George, a USA entrepeneur who proposed "fertilizing" the Pacific Ocean with 100 tonnes of iron dust to help stimulate a phytoplankton bloom. As phytoplankton absorb CO2, this bloom would result in "carbon credits" and also help provide a food source, krill, for salmon. The former would be sold and the latter provide sustenance for the Haida, both helping to offset the multimillion dollar cost. A Canadian credit union was approached who agreed to loan over $2 million to support the plan. [click here to hear an audio report from CBC]

Bill Dewey, Govenor Gregoire, NOAA Director Lubchenco

In Washington, NOAA and the Governor are rushing towards solutions which address CO2, ocean acidification and its impact on the shellfish industry. What happened in Canada should serve as a cautionary lesson. On one level, Mr. George made an exponential leap in faith on "ocean fertilization" which had been discredited over 3 years ago, being called ineffective. [read Nature's "Ocean Fertilization: Time to Move On" here] On another level, charlatans have existed for centuries, aware of monetary opportunities and very persuasive in extracting money from your pocket, especially effective when an urgency to act is included.

When state legislators are told "you have to act now" by the outgoing Governor they should be cautious and ask questions. [read Croscutt article here on legislation being introduced]  Perhaps asking NOAA if they have any extra buoys in order to establish baseline monitoring information would be a good place to start.
NOAA Ocean-monitoring Buoy
off of La Push.

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