Monday, September 24, 2012

Pierce County Planning Commission to Hear Final Shoreline Rules

Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 9:00 A.M.
Public Meeting Room, 2401 So. 35th St.
Note: The Shoreline Master Program information will be presented later in the meeting, perhaps near 10AM or 10:30AM.
Pierce County Shoreline Regulations Update – continued
The Pierce County Planning Commission will continue final consideration and recommendations of the proposed amendments to the Pierce County Shoreline Master Program (SMP) and related Pierce County Codes. No public testimony will be heard. The latest information related to the update can be found at:
Contact: Deirdre Wilson, Senior Planner, (253) 798-3736

Puget Sound tidelands and shorelines are a treasure which is under immense pressure. Pierce County's Shoreline Master Program will determine how development of those areas are regulated. Pierce County residents need to be sure their concerns are reflected in those regulations as clearly as those of corporate interests are.

"It's imperative that you do something, even if you don't think it's going to do any good."
David Attenborough, The Economist, September 22-28, 2012

Burley Lagoon
Tidelands and waters now under
development by Taylor Shellfish.
Proposal? A 30 acre geoduck farm.
Totten Inlet

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